
«Der Heimatort meiner Familie wurde a Geisterstadt»

«Der Heimatort meiner Familie wurde a Geisterstadt»


In Lebanon there is a war of small names, the Lebanese say in Amaya. The family of the family after the border of Israel walked into a Geisterstadt. The Luftanschläge attracts the people for flight – even beyond the national borders. A life outside Lebanon cannot be imagined in Amaya. No problem.

Chantal Stäubli
Chantal Stäubli

You can live with yourself in your homeland. If you are free, Lebanon was created as a woman in the Nahen Osten gewährt. But the fear of a war situation remains strong. Telefon says something about:

«I have fear, I live in fear. I have fear, that is my Eltern sterben. Or I’m Mann. Oder my four-year-old Tochter.

If you are afraid, if you no longer look at the Schule in those years, you cannot get a picture.

I have fear, that is my life, that is a wonderful genius, loser.”

The 31-year-old Lebanese is actually different. Aus Sicherheitsgründen schützen with ihre Identität.

Amaya, do you think it’s a good idea to do something?
My family and I are in Sicherheit. Most of the family has a large family hat in the hands of Alma el Chaab. Der Ort is located in southern Lebanon, part of the border with Israel.

The region, the strong points of the Luftangriffen have been affected.
Southern Lebanon will begin with the beginning of the Gaza Kriegs in the regular attacks of October. Less than 800 residents live in the village. Before a day on a Strasse des Heimatdorfes meiner Familie bombardierier. This is a complete tragedy: After such a long time, they were present in the Church of the Villages, and the Frau refused to leave their homes. It’s a matter of attention. Israel has developed into the Häusern Raketen and Waffen der Hisbollah. I don’t know, who comes there. Alma el Chaab is a Christian Dorf or Hisbollah-Mitglieder.

Since those residents and residents of the Angriffen are warned?

Do you have no relatives in the Dieser region?
Most people in the Hauptstadt Beirut are being flogged, others are fleeing. It is a large amount of meat and a single street that is blocked from Sicherheitsgründen, soft drinks are longer and holter Weg nehmen must, um in Sicherheit zu gelangen.

Start-up by Dorf Alma el Chaab for the Luftanschlägen.

Start-up by Dorf Alma el Chaab for the Luftanschlägen.image: nvg

Alma el Chaab is a Christian city with many layers.

Alma el Chaab is a Christian city with many layers. image: nvg

It is a fact that the Israeli Air Force has extinguished Alma el Chaab.

It is a fact that the Israeli Air Force has extinguished Alma el Chaab.image: nvg

The lives of people from South Lebanon have been living in Beirut.

The lives of people from South Lebanon have been living in Beirut.image: nvg

What’s best for you?
I live in the area surrounding Beirut and 120 kilometers from Alma el Chaab entfernt. Momentan is worth living and improves all internal institutions, such as debts, banks, supermarkets, churches, shopping centres. The low is long-lived, the standard Israeli campfire in the Himmel air. Located while flying this Flugzeuge, so fast that the Schallmauer goes through the breaches. There is a disgusting bang – an jarring, unintentional Geräusch. If the air force uses a siren in the direction of Beirut, it is a mistake to transport.

You are Lehrerin. Cann’t you wait or unterrichten?
Debt and child care began September 24 at the Air Force. The best is the Sorge, the children on the guilt road and it was sister össt. Debt levels in the South could be like this in October. Viele Schülerinnen and Schüler have been sucked into a big city like Tyros or Sidon, one of their best prospects. Nun has incurred many debts on the Fernunterricht umzustellen. So oh girl.

“I couldn’t miss Lebanon. I love my country. I appreciate the freedom that I have here as a woman in Nahen Osten.”

Who is in charge of the situation?
With einfühlsamen Menschen zu sprechen, die in der gleichen Situatie stecken, hilft enormous. Gemeinsam with my family helps my families. We are talking about organizations that provide products in Essen, Matratze, Kissen and Hygiene Products for Refurbishment. A number of our products and services have become available, including manufacturing and food products.

Is this one of the reasons why this is a beautiful moment?
Gemeinsames Beten und das Zusammenkommen verschiedener Glaubensrichtungen – sowohl Christian as auch Muslime – stärkt unsere Einheit und festival de Bindung zischen uns. We follow the News from all over the world. The march and the protest are visible, experience our Herzen with Hoffnung and Zufriedenheit. We live our lives and are finally not alone.

A demonstrator waves a Lebanese flag as demonstrators gather to protest the war in Gaza and Lebanon in front of the Los Angeles Federal Building on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Etie ...

Protest against the Krieg in Gaza and Lebanon, Los Angeles, September 24, 2024. Image: keystone

Do you have a problem with the situation?
Yes, in the year 2006. The war in Lebanon lasted 13 years alt. Gleiches Szenario, nur ist nun de Raketentechnik fortgeschritter, de Waffen zrstörerischer and einfacher from the Ferne zu serve. When the time comes, when the communication with Stillstand comb, Lebensmittel snaps, the Menschen Schlange stands, one of your cars to refuel. If the fault does not lie with the Schule, nothing can happen in Security. We live in our own country.

In Lebanon it is a small Schutzbunker.
Viele Menschen schlafen deshalb in Freien, aber zum Glück has a wonderful community. In unserer Kultur ist Gastfreundschaft von zentraler Bedeutung. Kirchen, NGOs offer private initiatives for the provision of housing, telephone numbers of Fahrern, who are ready since, transport families, zur Verfügung.

The bombardierte Strasse in Alma el Chaab, which is mentioned in the article for the Luftangriffen-abgebildet. Video: external/svg

Do you remember the land of the Verlassen?
Many people are affected by flight, but one of them ended up in the Syrian war. When the Krieg stops and is in an undisputed, beautiful region, it is a passion to make plans, the land of the verlassen. This may not be the case. I love my country. I appreciate the freedom that I have here as a woman in Nahen Osten. I like my Job, my house. If we don’t know anything about Lebanon, things can’t be helped.

Wie meinst du das?
Whoever has all those zerstörten Häuser will grow up. With money money? Man says he’s damned, will build or buy a house, and in an instant it will be erdboden. The Wirtschaft Lebanons hat ihren tiefsten Punkt erreicht. If you have Mittel, there is a land you can use.

“Wir has no Mittel, a country that is in the background.”

Who is the people of Hisbollah’s time?
We look at the Hisbollah and think that the Israeli Lebanese Territory can be settled. Other criticisms come from the Hisbollah, which is a good thing in the Gaza Strip, because Israel is threatened with the Rockets.

Offiziell for Lebanon and Israel since 1948, nor in the Krieg. In both countries the two Nachbarländern bestow little diplomatic attention. The situation changes when the start of the Gazakriegs begins. If you do this, it becomes a matter of Escalations.

Who is the dramatic situation in the Spitälern?
The Krankenhäuser is very resilient. Ärzte, Krankenschwestern und das gesamte medizinische Personal sind im Dauereinsatz. They are your best. Before all the Pager explosions break through the delivery system. The Ausmass said an Aussage of the Lebanese Augenarztes Dr. Elias Warrak. In the 25th century as Augenarzt, it was not opened until September 18, 2024.

Kommt is it in the land of the ham-strong or sonstigen Kriegsvorbereitungen?
Vereinzelt gives panickäufe. The supermarkets can never be bought again. It is so absurd: Those people have become accustomed to situations.