
NDR story: Verbotene Wetten – Angriff auf den Amateurfußball im TV – Sendung

NDR story: Verbotene Wetten – Angriff auf den Amateurfußball im TV – Sendung

In Germany it is a fact that amateur football has played a football match, where the law industry takes offense at this. After the investigation of BR countries to German amateurs in larger numbers on the international law market. Clubs and players who often know that they are at the global game, can no longer learn. And never again: ​​if the game practices the integrity of German sports, amateur football becomes such a manipulation by Ergebnissen. The documentation of BR and NDR takes place in the world of German amateur football matches, both in the Bayernliga and in the Bremen-Liga. A team of investigative journalists and dating experts who were concerned with: Hunderte Spiele of amateurs in Germany were bottled on international law portals, on German. A billionaire business. “Sports laws can be found in the Mitte der Gesellschaft with the following activities: Glücksspielsucht, Matchfixing, Geldwäsche, Kriminalität,” said Tobias Hayer from the University of Bremen in film. Spieler and Vereine are my top picks. Zum Beispiel der Kirchheimer SC, a Verein from the Bayernliga. Before the BR journalists first earned their money, the Buchmacher earned his gaming money and is an employer. Playing as an amateur now brings football a bag fee. “The way the Leidenschaft zählen, der Kampf auf dem Platz and einfach der Spaß am Sport. I found that the Wettindustrie sollte progressed”, said a young amateur player. But that’s not the end of it. Make sure you find the Schlupfloch research in the system. If the Wettportale plays here with live data of the games, nobody can take over the Amateurliga games. Who also comes with information about free time, cards and tore in Echtzeit on the pages of the bookmakers? The suspect: It must be done, the data for the place erhebt and weiterleitet, the so-called Data scouts. The Kirchheimer SC will not get any further. With the data journalists in the background, the interests of the business world can be investigated in this way, a scout who poses himself. And if there is a task, then other machines are needed. Brisant: There is no question of an unanswered wettanbieter. It is a major player in football, a sponsor of the 2024 European Football League, of Bundesliga clubs and of the DFB. Who can say that? The Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder, Kurz GGL, is synonymous with the supervision of the legal market and also supervises the investigations of the BR. If you focus on the fact that you are ending lung function. If you have wet conditions with international wet portals, you can’t wait for them to come. Ahnungslos auch der Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB): Ronny Zimmermann, as 1. Vizepräsident Amateure/Regional- und Landesverbende sister for the Amateur Fußball in DFB, said in Interview: “Also I am a student of Amateur Fußball places and I have the Thema noch nie erzählt ommen.” If one of the German amateurs is offered in Ausland, a DFB sponsor is a partner in another market arranged to be legitimate.” The DFB was used with the other themes. In Kirchheim wollen sie nicht darauf warten. “Datensammeln für Wettanbieter verboten” steht auf dem Schild, das der Verein inzwischen am Platz delivered hat. (Sender info)