
“Beinahe täglich” anti-Semitic Farbattacken auf Neuköllner Kneipe “Basjzel”

“Beinahe täglich” anti-Semitic Farbattacken auf Neuköllner Kneipe “Basjzel”

Losses in the Night of the Montag: A view of the facade of the Neuköllner Kulturkneipe “Bajszsel” in Emser Straße with anti-Semitic and Israeli Hassbotschaften and a rotten Hamas-Dreieck.

It turned out to be a snake that attacked, one of the guards from the Tagesspiegel. In the Laufe of the perished, which include Parolen, the Qassam Brigades and the glorified Hamas die, which was responsible for the Terrorangriff in Israel on October 7, 2023.

In retrospect, people have mottos that “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, the scripture “Hamas – my life” in Arabic language anyway weitere israelfeindliche Botschaften. Auch Tische des Lokals wurden israelfeindlich marked.

Tische des Lokals wurden israelfeindlich beschmiert.

© Bajszel

The betreiber: it is possible that you take your own risk. There is an attack on the political state protection, which is a police chief of the Tagesspiegel in the Mittwoch.

There are a number of Farbschmiereien of the Polizei now as Sachsbeschädigung gewertet bewertet, one of the Betreiberinnen of the Tagesspiegel – and the Spruch “Fuck Zionism” with rotten Dreiecken. The emerging politician has never accepted an issue or a political approach. “That was really sobering,” said one of the attendants.

On the Night of the Montag, the Qassam Brigade is glorified by the Scriptures.

© Bajszel

The war was no longer the main source of anger. Research is regularly underway into the way in which the theme of anti-Semitism manifests itself. Now that we’ve started expressing fearful fans, an anti-Semitic BDS Campaign and a film presentation of Holocaust lore by Albrecht Weinberg are coming to fruition.

Die Betreiber: inn des „Bajszel“ wollen ich von den Attacken nicht einschüchtern lassen. “Our opinion about humanity was in Israel and Gaza passive, sollte eigentlich equally sein. It was a passion of the Berlin streets – and here the Räume für jüdische Menschen gerade became ever smaller“, as the Tagesspiegel would resemble in May.

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Mittlerweile is a comprehensive solidarity movement to form the knee. In further statements, the other Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft, the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin and the Neuköllner Bezirksamt have spoken terzeichnet about the “Bajszel” in the Unterstützung.

Darin reads below: “The ‘Bajszel’ with its own weight and visual images and discussion formats must have been recorded without any doubt! Make us stand in solidarity with all Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeitern des ‚Bajszel’!’

Polizei is looking at the potential for aggression in der Szene

Zuletzt has his pro-palästinensische Ausschreitungen and anti-Semitic Farbattacken. Kürzlich was the living room of the Berlin cultural senator Joe Chialo (CDU) with the attacking Farbe. Before war happens, a great change can take place.

Benjamin Jendro, Speaker of the Police Department GdP, spoke on Saturday morning after mutaßlich pro-palästinensischen Ausschreitungen in Kreuzberg of a “wachsenden Bereitschaft, Berlin in Schutt and Asche will be empty anyway Polizisten with their strong feelings, stones and pyro massiv will be lost.”

Only in those years were there rote Dreiecke and the Fensterscheibe des Lokals being chatted. The Islamist terrorist organization Hamas knows this art in its vermeintlichen end and potential Anschlagsziele.

“Our bar is a great discussion space, which can change minds through exchange,” says one of the patrons of the Tagesspiegel Damals on the telephone. “Leaders must start with the holidays, it is part of themselves as propalästinensische bezeichnenden Bewegung more als autoritärer Mob auftritt. Then if you are a man, there is no room for more discussion.”