
Hochmodern Arena: SAP Garden Munich – the new home of EHC and FCB

Hochmodern Arena: SAP Garden Munich – the new home of EHC and FCB

Status: 26.09.2024 12:04

Am Freitag wird der SAP Garden im Münchner Olympiapark eröffnet. The modern Arena is the new Heimspielstätte of EHC Munich and the FC Bayern Basketball – for that Spagat the Halle comes with innovative technology.

In the years in which the Münchner worked together and the Besucher der Landeshauptstadt of the new Sport-Arena were in Wachsen sister. Spaziergänger in Olympiapark und tagglich zehntausende Autofahrer auf dem Mittleren Ring konnten de Prozess seehen: de Abriss des Radstadions, de Grube, de Bagger aushoben, de Gerüst, de form andeutete, tot his fertile Halle.

Grand Opening: Buffalo Sabres, Real Madrid and “Tag der Offenen Tür”

Now, after four years, in the SAP Garden on Friday, September 27, officially official. At EHC Munich, in the center of the Australian state, the Grand Opening is a fact. 199 Euro for the best price and the fast 60 Euro for the Stehplätze-longs of the Eishockey-Klub for the big Aufgalopp, to the Prominenz from the USA anger is: The NHL-Team Buffalo Sabres comes with Ex-EHC-Talent JJ ​​​​Peterka in Munich.

The FC Bayern basketballer makes his debut on October 3 in the Halle, in the 20th game period of the Saison that is played – for all things Euroleague-Partien. The FCBB is taken over as an example: Am 1. Spieltag der Euroleague becomes the team of Gordon Herbert with Real Madrid in this period. We can not buy tickets for the available games, but can start on October 28 with “Tag der offenen Tür” a picture of “Garden” machen.

Was ist der Hausherr in SAP Garden?

The SAP Garden is part of a cooperation between FC Bayern, SAP and Red Bull. The costs for Allen Dingen Red Bull. Bauherr and Betreiber are the Red Bull Stadion München GmbH. It is not possible to complete all hockey games of the EHC university, in the garden of the headquarters of the associations: Trainingsbetrieb, Nachwuchsbereich, Geschäftsstelle finden dort inhr new Zuhause.

The FC Bayern basketball player is now Mieter. Der Vertrag läuft zunächst über 15 Jahre. Planted, the Basketballer pro Saison and 20 games in the Olympiapark in Australia. Stammhalle bleibt de Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle am Westpark.

How is the SAP garden going?

The construction costs of the new Multi-Sport-Arena were estimated at around 150 million euros. The original warman of costs amounted to 110 million euros. The Radstadion, which is located on the Gelände stand in the Olympiaparks stand, was demolished in 2015.

Stubborn war is an opening for 2018. But the Bau was always shifted. The Aushebung followed in 2020, the Grundsteinlegung in 2021, the Rohbau war was concluded in February 2023, the facade was finished in April 2024. A few years ago I wrote a series of Branden die Bauarbeiten verzögert. The 17 meter high stand, the facade walls, and the Eishockey-Schlägern nachempfunden.

Who fell in the new Arena?

11,500 players can play the basketball player of FC Bayern Munich in their new playing field. In the BMW Park only 6,700 people passenger. The new Spielort is not the biggest in the BBL: Das Stadion of Alba Berlin with a capacity of 17,000 people.

The EHC has a few abstract machines: In ice hockey games can “now” 10,796 Zuschauer be played in the Arena. Grund is the unwritten playing field größen and the tires. One of these insights is that basketball players play the task of the SAP Garden and three different sitzreihen will be created.

The new video message

The name of SAP Garden is no longer an American-American example: the prosperous Madison Square Garden, under which the New York Knicks (Basketball) and the New York Rangers (Eishockey) in the Australian game. This interior is one of the most exciting sports in the Atlantic. Denn vom dak radiates the Zuschauern from 41 Millionen LEDs entgegen: A 16 tons heavy video spiral hangs under the roof.

On the 209 square meter projection surface – of the big German countries – no game and statistical analyses were now carried out. It is a 360-degree view that can be used for entertainment and entertainment.

Ice skating in SAP Garden

Also the wholesale sport will make the new Mega-Projekt profitable. The city can deviate a little from the Hausherren-abgeschlossen. Debts and other companies can make the following demands, which are almost indispensable, crazy.

Auch Hobby-Eisläufern is the Halle zugänglich. A new stunning open network of the SAP Garden seine Hallen for the great open-mindedness. Erwachsene zahlen 9.50 Euro, Children (4 – 12 Years) 4.50 Euro, Jugendliche (13 – 18 Years) 6.50 Euro. There are many options, Tickets are available via the official online portal for purchases.

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Quelle: BR24Sport 27.09.2024 – 6:30 PM