
Wahlkampf-Endspurt: SPÖ, FPÖ, ÖVP and Co. mobilize with letzten AuftRITs

Wahlkampf-Endspurt: SPÖ, FPÖ, ÖVP and Co. mobilize with letzten AuftRITs

The high phase of the Wahlkampfes is over, and the larger parties have done everything with the Abschlussveranstaltungen, a Wähler is never one of the most common. SPÖ, FPÖ, ÖVP are the smaller parties of the Grüne, NEOS and KPÖ that want to give their Endspurt an energetic presentation. The Wahlkampf-Events boats do not provide any clarity in the strategies and viewing of the parties.

Here’s an overview:

The ÖVP merges with the Anhänger for the Parteizentrale in Wien. Bundeskanzler Karl Nehammer and Generalsekretär Christian Stocker are treating the Heir of the Party as a strong case. Nehammer has made it clear that the ÖVP Stabilität and Sicherheit are for Österreich beet wolle – a clear model for the FPÖ’s “Angstpolitik”. If you know that the EU representation, while the ÖVP is on the Platz behind the FPÖ, continues. “A huge suspension has arisen,” Stocker explains. If the minute became a man, the platz was an erobern.

For the SPÖ war of the Wahlkampfabschluss an Occasion, it is a clear alternative to the FPÖ for presentations. Gemeinsam mit der Wiener Landespartei the man in Favoriten zu einer Abschlussskundgebung ein. SPÖ chief Andreas Babler put the social responsibility of the parties in the foreground in the blessing ship and shifted the share to the free time. “We are convinced that the Zerstörung der Republik!”, Rief Babler said: “We are convinced that the SPÖ is a Bundnis with the FPÖ.

Umfragen, the SPÖ hints at the FPÖ sehen, ließ Babler nicht gelten: „We were überraschen!“ Seine Botschaft: Die letzten stunden vor der Wahl separated, jede Stimme zähle. Themes wie Kinderrechten, Gleichstellung und de Forderung nach Vermögensteuern were de Schwerpunkte seiner Rede.

The FPÖ stands on Stephansplatz as a Party in Aufwind. Party chief Herbert Kickl reported on the news: “Am Sonntag was wir Geschichte schreiben – a free number of our own and a free Kanzler.” Kickl attacks the frontal direction and criticizes the Unterstützung of Ukraine in the Krieg. The FPÖ chief ensures strict control of neutrality and the standing of the camp against the “Brussels Bureaucracy”.

The NEOS castles in Wahlkampf with a “Zukunftsfest” on the Wiener Freyung ab. Party chief Beate Meinl-Reisinger advocated a “changed reform policy” and stated clearly: “We are still in the alternative and still in the shadows.” A coalition with the FPÖ castle is fierce and clear that a changed reform regime is now possible with the NEOS. Inhaltlich lag der Fokus auf Wirtschaft, Bildung and more Chancenrechtigkeit. Ihr Ziel: “Wohlstand für alle und beste Bildung für jedes Kind.”

Under the motto “Ohne uns kein Klimaschutz” the Grünen entered the final Wahlkampf phase. Party chief Werner Kogler, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Justice Minister Alma Zadic appealed and Wähler, the Greens would give their peace. The young high wasser catastrophes have a high priority, which is urgently a strong climapolitan brauche. Kogler criticized the SPÖ and ÖVP scharf and were both part of, “Klimaschutz zu blockieren and our land zuzubetonieren.”

The KPÖ set up on the Reumannplatz in Wien as a stage for a complete absence. While the Spitzencandidates have a symbolic “Vertrag mit der Bevolkerung” (Vertrag mit der Bevolkerung), while they so oblige, there is an egg falling in the Parliament of now 2,500 Euro per hour that you have to register. The rest of the people spent in Notlagen. Leading candidate Tobias Schweiger boiled down the social representation of the parties and argued for a “justified representation of the Wohlstands”.

The beer match was played with a lot of humor in the Wahlkampf on the human rights market. Party chief Dominik Wlazny, alias Marco Pogo, never fails to share his stories about the “Biermobil” on a note of Unterstützung auf. “Wir schäumen vor Mut!” Smaller parties with the Madeleine Petrovic list and the “Keine von denen” list make a direct address to the citizen, and major events are organized.