
Handball: 57 Tore! Krasser WM-Start for Magdeburg | Sports mix

Handball: 57 Tore! Krasser WM-Start for Magdeburg | Sports mix

Was for a Klub-WM-Auftakt!

SC Magdeburg took place at the New Capitol Sports Hall in Cairo (Ägypten) at 57:21 – Kanters at the California Eagles (USA).

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Photo: BILD

First of all, the minutes are formed. Then the Niveau-Unterschied langam deutlicher. After eleven minutes, National Player Lukas Mertens plays the first 3 rounds for the SCM.

The last time Magdeburg has a souverän and kontinuierlich aus. Before Mertens-Treffern saw the Magdeburger locker davon in the first half of the year and by Antonio Serradilla. Zur Pause is 28:14. Stolze 14 Tore run both Mannschaften.

Schön zusehen: de Spielfreude en Spritzigkeit von Mertens. Davon could no longer see the SCM fans in the second season hose. After the Olympic Games in Paris, where the Linksaußen met den DHB stars Silver snap, bekam is beim SCM noch Zeit zum Durchschnaufen. Damit seems to be happy about it.

In the first Halbzeit, Magdeburg had a Wurf effect of 88 Prozent. The California Eagles in the game are now 54 Prozent. Vergangenes Wochenende bei der Pleite v Kiel kam Magdeburg itself nur auf 56 Prozent. A tolle Steigerung – if there is a German schwächeren Gegner.

The Magdeburger Schützenfest becomes longer in the second half. The American team no longer sees any land at all – neither in the Abwehr nor in the offensive. Mertens (insgesamt 16 Tore) and Serradilla (insgesamt 13 Tore) will beat the California Eagles! End of the SCM with 36 Tower Unterschied 57:21.

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Quelle: DYN

A strong Serradilla would have been welcomed with “Man of the Match”. A recognition that the Spanish Neuzugang certainly deserves is good.

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