
Nirgends in Europa is the restaurant like in der Schweiz

Nirgends in Europa is the restaurant like in der Schweiz


Two cities forNirgends in Europa is the restaurant as in der Schweiz

A 3-course menu does not cost more in Europe than in Zurich and Geneva. Auch Reykjavík and Copenhagen are teuer.

Marcel Urech

Restaurants in Europe: Darum gehts

  • In Zurich and Geneva a 3-course menu im Schnitt costs 117.20 francs.

  • In Skopje in Nordmazedonia, the most favored city in Europe, people spend 4.7 percent less.

  • Switzerland is the best choice in all of Europe, it is essential that it is so.

How much does a 3-course meal for two people cost in a mid-range restaurant in Europe? The travel portal analyses: The European Durchschnitt is 53.10 Francs, the Schweiz is 107.14 Francs and is double that.

Zurich and Geneva are the worst

In Zurich and Geneva the 3-course menus with medium-sized beef cost 117.20 francs am meisten, in Geneva ebenfalls. On the Plätzen three, four and nice next Reykjavík in Island (108.10 Francs), Espoo in Finland (104.32 Francs) and Copenhagen in Denmark (101.71 Francs).

It’s a terrible city

Visit in Europe in Skopje (Nordmazedonia, 24.67 Francs), Sofia (Bulgaria, 38.80 Francs) and Porto (Portugal, 42.20 Francs). Also Warsaw (Poland, 44.55 Francs) and Thessaloniki (Greece, 45.03 Francs) are in the Top 5.

In these states you can pay a basic price

Portugal (37.92 Francs) as well as Spain and Greece (47.40 Francs) are the best travel options for restaurants. Germany and France (56.90 francs) are more favorable than the Netherlands (66.38 francs) and Belgium (75.85 francs). Overall, Northwest Europe is clearly more disappointing than Eastern and Southern Europe.

This is how Trinkgeld ended up in Europe

In Switzerland it is good, in restaurants or in the hotel there is a Trinkgeld. What is there to see in other countries in Europe? Fundamentally gilded: Your tourist region, the higher the Trinkgeld. In a part of the country the rechnung is the most effective. An overview of the Trinkgeld-Regulations of 46 Länder in Europe can be found in this article.

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