
Africa: Adrenalin rush in the Drakensberg – Reise

Africa: Adrenalin rush in the Drakensberg – Reise

Von Wibke Hekfrich

bTungay sees it this way, whoever owns a Hubschrauberpiloten kischeehaft: smarter type with Sonnenbrille, braungebrantnt with short Grinsen. Take a look at each other and see how many pictures you take. Seine Sicherheitschuhe? Slippers. “Little Problem” might be an idea. Zugegeben, Hubschrauberfliegen ist mehr Hand- als Fußarbeit. Larger joysticks in the cockpit are the best choice. Either way, once you ask the question, you can’t think straight, but you still can’t enjoy it. The large panoramic window of the helicopters allows a quick 360-degree tour of the zacky sea formations of the Drakensberg Mountains in Lesotho. Brett is here to see his names, as the first Siedler in these Gegend kamen en über de Bergen Wolken foto’s, die met Drachen aussahen. On Zulu heißen that are up to 3000 meters high, striking Berge uKhahlamba (“Barriere aus Spears”), they are the mighty South African and their single Schönheit, Pflanzenvielfalt and for all more that more than 35,000 Felsmalereien in the region in the province of KwaZulu- Natal zum UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.



Anreise: The Drakensberg Mountains are best at Durban Airport. Flight mit Umsteigen in Johannesburg costs about 900 euros.

Overnight stay: The Montusi Mountain Lodge is nearby

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Anreise: The Drakensberg Mountains are best at Durban Airport. Flight mit Umsteigen in Johannesburg costs about 900 euros.

Overnight stay: The Montusi Mountain Lodge is located in the Drakensberg Mountains. The chalets are a herrlichen view of the many mountainous mountains. Wanderungen can be carried out directly by the Lodge. Ubernachtung from 220 Euro:

The Dragon Peaks Mountain Resort is located on a hill in the Champagne Valley and offers a great experience and enjoyment of living with apartments for people. Ubernachtung from 40 Euro:

Unternehmungen: Canopy-Touren is a small company in Standorten, South Africa. Costs 40 Euro for Erwachsene and 35 Euro for Kinder:

Bergflying offers a package for Hubschrauberrundflüge to the Drakensberg from 85 Euro at:

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Ewhile the men of San, while Buschmänner was enjoying, tomorrow I will go to our Spaziergang with “Bushman Cave”. Those San gilts as most experiences of homo sapiens. She lived for years in southern Africa. Neither for sunbathing were directly from our guest lodge on a hut. The land war in a disrupted light tackled: Wir wanders through the von der sonne while the English grass becomes, while it still lies in treasures Steilwände der Berge blau shimmerten. Before you see it, you will have more time to enjoy it. After the Global Warming Hitze caused a war, this is a problem. Kein Wunder, who has spent the years, is a more important place for the San ist. One of the sea walls is the following with Zeichnungen von Antilopen. But für our heißt is wieder raus in de Sonne and hoch auf den Berg. Our first visit that day is the best choice at 1600 meters above Montusi.

STeile Felswände, Wasserfälle, Flusstäler, uralte Wälder, narrow gorges and high mountains are like the perfect outdoor play area for adrenaline junkies: Here a man can wander, ride, climb or “rutschen” during a canopy tour through the Baumkronen.

A helicopter flight is the Canopy Tour with “Abheben”. Night with Klettergurt and Helm ausgestattet wurden, becomes a holzstege in the Baumkronen. If you want to close one of the highest levels of an Einheim house, you should do it here. Kap-Esche, Kap-Kastanie and quickly 50 meters above Yellowwood-Bäume. So we can see the Blättern empfinden wir die Höhe as angenehm. But both of the first Seilrutsche look different. The highest reaches 115 meters in the Tiefe.

During the helicopters’ large panoramic display, a quick 360-degree run on the Drakensberg Mountains can be performed. Photo: Helfrich

Our guide Garreth made a bad impression, one of the other pages in Empfang zu nehmen. Thomas has hung a Zweiter guide in the Drahtseile one and wiederholt with one of the Sicherheitsunterweisung, which are a bereits at the beginning of the Tour, both of which go hand in hand with the Karabiner and not the Drahtseil berühren. We will all pull together a few brave ones and then pull away later. I continue with the Seilbahn, and the Baumwipfel and weiter the Berggipfel are a while ago. The journey around the other side of the world comes to an end and we can reach countries that live on a flat platform, where Garreth is never in Empfang.

You can swim with the hubschrauber on a high plateau at an altitude of 2200 meters. Der Flug war gigantic. We will fly with a sea view, through narrow valleys and escarpments. The Flug War with 3D-Kino. Brett Tungay has the power over the job that is now in his future. There flies a Wissenschaftler in the Berge, the Beispiel of the Egg of bedrohten Gänse- and Bartgeiern-schützen or Nashörnern das Horn-abschneiden, a vor Wilderern zu bewahren.

FThere is a war of the Flug in a regular country – which is still not aimed at the adrenaline, and which will have herrliche Aussicht on the many great Gipfels, while Brett will have his South African Adrenalinrausch with a glass of Sekt an.