
Hilfe against Herpes –

Hilfe against Herpes –

Herpes viruses can arise and an infection will now no longer be a nuisance, but they can no longer be recognized. Dennoch gets a Hilfsmittel that causes herpes. When it comes to blisters, hygiene is of great importance, a good appearance of avoidance. Influenced couples do not wash their hands regularly, wash their hands and wash the hands of other people. Kissing and sex were avoided.

Hilfe against Herpes –
The fact is that all herpesvirens do not contain salbens and tablets with antiviral substances. © Andrii Medvediuk / iStock

Herpes drug 2.0

There are some herpesvires – for all herpes simplex and varizella-zoster viruses – these are tablets and creams. These viruses can cause the vermehrung of the viral disease and determine the symptom linden and the border of the Ausbruchs. If you no longer notice the virus, cooking will eliminate it. The same drug can be used for other herpesvires.

Forscher work daher and new work fabrics. These pathogens are effective against herpes viruses, compensate for their terrestrial and universal mechanisms of human herpes viruses. There is a problem with the virus DNA and the virus’s response to inhibition. Another user is the virus component of the functioning virus article that prevents it. A new technology is used to improve the molecular characteristics of the environment and thus hinder them (doi: 10.1002/anie.202309838).

Gene therapy against herpes?

Other research groups can sabotage the virus DNA, while the Genschere CRISPR/Cas9 prevents damaging mutations in the virus outbreak. It is not possible to make the virus disappear and stop responding.

The effect of an experimental gene therapy, which lasts a number of years. “We use a meganuclease enzyme, which breaks down two different sites in the DNA of the herpes virus,” says Martine Aubert at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle. “This is a serious damage to the virus, so you can’t repair it yourself. Then the body’s own repair system recognizes the damaged DNA as damaged and sensitive.

Impfstoffe against EBV im Test

A Research Group of the Start-Ups EBVirus has caused an impasse due to the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). There is a basis for learning about viruses with viral DNA and how this is caused by an immunological virus. This new line of work failed in clinical trials in 2024.

A few other impfstoff candidates did EBV testing at the National Institutes of Health that turned into a clinical trial two years later. The professional phrase combats nanoparticles, which contain a protein from the virus. If one of the experiments is done with nutrient, it is true that the Varizella-Zoster virus first causes the infection with a human herpes virus. That could save Leiden.

September 27, 2024 – Claudia Krapp