
Fußball-Drittligist 1. FC Saarbrücken loses 1:4 to Aufsteiger Energie Cottbus

Fußball-Drittligist 1. FC Saarbrücken loses 1:4 to Aufsteiger Energie Cottbus

Über 750 kilometers from Stadion der Freundschaft in Cottbus bis in Saarland. A busfahrt, the football team of 1. FC Saarbrücken in Samstagabend has been busy with its muss for a long time. Der schwache Auftritt bei der 1:4 (1:2)-Niederlage bij Aufsteiger Energie Cottbus sollte all Beeiligten Stoff zum Nachdenken geben. Once the FCS has happened, the Klatsche has not fallen again.

“I’m happy, we can get a few beers in the bus,” said Torwart and Kapitän Phillip Menzel casually. The number of the FCS war and both hits are not to blame. “The first time we were completely blind and stupid”, Menzel painted the first of four hits by the ex-Lauterers Timmy Thiele, who dared to plead bad luck and complain during the year. Dominik Becker, the strongest Saarbrücker internal defender, would like to buy the ball from Menzel. When we stand outside the Strafraums, we are crazy about wool ourselves. Von Menzels played the ball into Thiele, the problems were solved 1:0 (17 minutes).

“The second you are alive with an Abspielfehler, then it is clear and foul an mir,” said Menzel – and how now with the first Teil Recht. If a ball crush is accomplished in the previous phase, then so be it. Menzel cannot leave the flache of Hereingabe von Maximilian Krauß, Thiele is free and shoots a – tie 2:0 (44.). The Cottbuser Maximilian Pronichev after a Schubser from Till Schumacher with the Saarbrücker Schlussmann collidierte, war is not punishable. That’s where Schiedsrichter Mario Hildenbrand was pointing.

Fully enjoyed the Schiri after eleven minutes. Dominik Pelivan has given Richard Neudecker a hint at Trikot, his father in the Rückenlage and freely around the Cottbuser Tor. An Elfmeterpfiff will have an unexpected experience.

Tim Civeja (war after 27 minutes for the defeat of Sebastian Vasiliadis in the Team Gekommen) went in the Nachspielzeit of the first Halbzeit of the Strafraumgrenze to 1:2 (45.+1). Make sure Kasim Rabihic has the Ausgleich on the ground, and go to the Cottbuser Torwart Elias Bethke. The FCS player can now start if action is taken when criticism is given. But we are happy to do so, but we must continue to live according to our wishes. It’s worth making the FCS disappear. The Mannschaft has no “heads”. No one sees, the pace and rhythm change. Patrick Sontheimer runs and fights, he plays with the playful Mittel. If things don’t go well, Vasiliadis is not fit and is lost, Neudecker does not have the right backhalt.

“In the two sides, being loved half is then equally loved by both of us. Jeder 50:50-Ball were both denen, jeder enge Zweikampf war auf deren Seite“, fast Calogero Rizzuto de zweiten Durchgang sisterammen, in dem Cottbus vor 10 530 Zuschauern den Sack schon veld früher hätte zumachen können. Tolcay Cigerci (56., 58.) separated aber ebenso and Menzel wie Krauß (57.). But Cottbus has a hat and Timmy Thiele. Sein Kopfball zum 3:1 (80.) war de Vorentscheidung, sein 4:1 (87.) das Sahnehäubchen für de Lusitzer, deutlich höher hätten gewinnen could be gained. The FCS in the final phase is not yet in play. Becker must be forgotten, the Wechselkontingent would be clean.

“Für mich ist unverständlich, dass ein Kollege who Rüdiger, der nachweislich mit dem Club sehr erfolgreich ist, sich nach dem Spiel “Trainer raus”-Rufe anhören muss”, said Energy Trainer Claus-Dieter Wollitz. Playing games in FCS-Umfeld on the many attractive FCS games and increasing the size of the matches, is the inclusion of theTablesfuhrer SV Sandhausen with four punks and much more. “The Enttäuschung, dass wir 1:4 haben, ist riesengroß”, said Ziehl, will die Unmutsbekundungen gegen sich aber nicht an sich rerankommen lassen: “I can’t change, was Leute thinking. I can prevent it from happening with the Mannschaft Spiele-gewinnen. That’s what we live in today. That was all Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen. Yes, everything is bad.”