
McDonald’s for Price Revolution – Customers are not satisfied

McDonald’s for Price Revolution – Customers are not satisfied

Do you dare to indulge in a downright Preis-Revolution-freuen at McDonald’s? There are many more ways to do this.

Ausslaggebend since the latest Quartalsbericht anyway a German Aussage des Chefs von McDonald’s. Aber der Reihe nach.

McDonald’s: Can brands Preisanstiege

Before McDonald’s could stop inflation, inflation couldn’t stop for years. Die Preise für Burger, Pommes und Co. is one of the Fast-Food Giants that is German in the high quality.

That time, in the form of a cheeseburger for a euro, can last a long time. The class costs mittlerweile in most German branches 2.69 Euro. One of the people can make a German choice in the bag, even if it is a few years ago. From 12.99 Euro can cost a McMenü from Burger, Beilage and Getränk.

If that price is paid as a regular is a little bit, it is at McDonald’s one of the few things that there is, but after an alternative alternative. That power is now in the brand bar of the Umsatzzahlen.

McDonald’s in trouble

I have sunk from 6.50 to 6.49 billion dollars in the quarter of 2024. This difference may be marginal. But the small backpack is a huge alarm signal for McDonald’s. In the four years that the group gets a large amount more time to assure. This reserve does not stagnate.

One of the best results of the BBC is the seriousness of the events. Demnach has announced Group Chief Christ Kempczinski, McDonald’s is now a “reversed rethink” of its own pre-politics.

So in the US there was first business done – with a certain menu for a lower price of 5 Euro. There was an Ansage!

Der Konzern wants to think about a new, new preparation with its franchise abroad. Schließlich hatte McDonald’s die Preise zületzt deutlich stärker erht as mancher Konkurrent. For Bank of America analyst Sara Senatore, war with a Fehler. “They are smart and can erase that. McDonald’s muss was the worst.”