
Bahn-Branche bietet Lokführer-Ausbildung in Teilzeit

Bahn-Branche bietet Lokführer-Ausbildung in Teilzeit

In response to personal guidance from the Railroad, the branch in North Rhine-Westphalia will start an Ausbildungsprogramm for Lokführer in Teilzeit in October. Der Kurs became a plant with more than 15 different parts and components, which could use an extension of the Bahn NRW land programs at the airport. A beef 50 has been performed. The time spent on questions from others is a change, new groups of people for the job in the country of their interests.

The personal wringer at the location is a Grund for the frequent complaints about regional care and S-Bahnen in North Rhine-Westphalia. Deshalb reconciles eleven Bahnunternehmen and the country that has worked together for years in the Fokus Bahn NRW initiative, with new Angeboten who have been won as Lokführer.

This means that now that our life is a Teilzeitumschulung nicht alle Hofnungen der Verantwortlichen erüllt: So sei der Anteil an Frauen bei the Bewerbungen with gut 10 Prozent ahnlich niedrig wie bei the bisherigen Angeboten, sagte eine sprecherin. Owned by the fact that Fokus Bahn is gehofft, with the Ausbildung in Teilzeit more attractive an otherm for Mütter in the Family phase that is made. Bislang is the Job as Lokführer of a manhood.

Ingenieure and Geisteswissenschaftler woolen Lokführer became

If it is the case that the Akademiker deals with science, the scientist or the representative of the company, he will see, and now the Umschulung zum Lokführer goes through woollen. While migrants, who were first visited by Germany and often had a high Bildungsgrad-hätten, an overwhelming schnittlich fell among the Bewerbern. If you want to watch a program of the Lokführer-Ausbildung on Sprachkurse.

Provided the time is spent, the more flexible cable industry will be given a new job based on the opportunities offered by the Arbeitskräfte. “Wir wollen für die Lokführerausbildung die Bedingungen procuren, die unsere Bewerberinnen und Bewerber brauchen,” said Project Manager Heinrich Brüggemann. “At a time when the railway industry has a great opportunity, here is a new path to experience.”

Rund jeder siebte Zug dropped out

The unemployment of regional traffic and S-Bahnen in North Rhine-Westphalia has reached a high point for a year. Rund jeder siebte Zug fiel laut dem Qualitätsbericht Schienenverkehr 2023 ganz aus.

Most Lokführer machines do not have a classical education in the railway industry, come together with another Beruf and schulen with a zwölfmonatigen Kurs um. The Teilzeitumschulung is 16 months ago – it is possible that the Lokführer is now learning a fünf Stunden pro Tag.

It may be that the railways are out of proportion to the current model, but Brüggemann. If the investigating officer does a number of Arbeitstages relatively speaking of his work, his organizational is never a fact, but it is worth choosing the Arbeitstagen made on the corridor sorting of the company.