
If you have a healthy lifestyle – and who can be empowered

If you have a healthy lifestyle – and who can be empowered

Changes „from our own“: Wecken the delicious Riesen

The German Health System is a larger and more complex system that is a „weißer Riese“, from the schläft. “This is the best time to wake up!”, said Francesco De Meo. The German-Italian War Manager from 2008 to 2023, CEO of the Helios-Kliniken and Vorstand des Gesundheitskonzerns Fresenius known in DAX. Many people are interested in healthcare transformations and startups. If the insurer of the number 1 clinic in Europe makes a start, the process will change and standardize, to improve quality and reduce costs. Wir Haben Marode Kliniken übernommen, Alte Gebäude Abgerisen, Strukturen UmGekrempelt, Arbeitabläufe Geändert – Nicht Immer Zur Freude Von Chefärzten, Besschäftigten, Gewerkschaften, Aber Für Einen Gutt iBt er in Seinem Buch „The schlafenden Riesen wecken“. The Leistungsverbesserungen in de of my responsible Clinics were very one of the jewels that could adopt a flexible strategy for the leitspruch: „It is so that it is so! A change can begin on the basis.” Subsequent changes do not take place on a journey, unless they are born here. This is the Association for SDG 11 (Next City Development: Förderung von sicheren, inklusiven and nachhaltigen Städten und Siedlungen) angesprochen. A look at the battle in Rio 1992 said Local Agenda 21 caused nuclear war. Everything started for Ort: auf kommunaler Ebene. The local Agenda 21-Prozesse is no longer concerned with finding the meaning and usefulness of the SDGs.

Francesco De Meo’s Weckruf is heard in that context.

“The Medikation will no longer be possible, but the Versorgung in Deutschland will not be Einheitsmichel. “The power is gilded for all people who are responsible for their health, politics and economics.” This is the strength of their intelligence and self-esteem: “the power is gilded for their lives, we will even have more responsibility for them.” If there is a problem and an idea of ​​​​the idea that it works, one’s own consciousness is a complete system that makes a simple system possible. Anyway, it’s not even a fact.” Mitmachen und Gestalten lautet voor ihn de design van de schlafenden Riesen, damm in de Gesellschaft und Politik etwas ändert. Das Rezept: Menschen mit Gestaltungswillen machen lassen – regional network. The following message said it can be done: Christine Bergmair; the Geschäftsführerin des Torgauer Landhandels ist, hat im Swabischen Ort Steindorf (located in Dreieck Munich ‒ Augsburg ‒ Ammersee), the Gesundhaus i-Tüpferl, a modern Praxishaus, an eigener Initiative geschaffen. You will handle the medical care on land. On the other side of the position, you know, you feel a dynamic in the general world, “which is very good, the man in the middle can get a new idea and develop and package an innovative idea.”

Family and social life are heard together: I have visions together, with care, therapists, natural health, health and social care, and therefore interdisziplinär zammenzuarbeiten. Have fun processing the process „from the first ideas about geminderatssitzungen, Gutachten, Bebauungspläne usw. bis zum fertigen Gebäude, das nun mit Leben gefüllt wird.’ The interest of the uninterested Akteure am Gesundhaus i-Tüpferl achieves a broad understanding in Gesundheitswesen, in Politics and Wirtschaft. Anerkennung found that the project was carried out during the LEADER organization, which wurde with the Unterstützung of the Wittelsbacher Land eV erteilt. The best tips for the “Racing Team” of the Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen are the “Mach’-Jahr” of the KU Gestaltungsgesellschaft mbH Munich and the Begleitung by the Digital Urban Center for Aging and Health (DUCAH), which has the greatest potential. Eng sammengearbeitet would be with the Einrichtungen of KVB, the Gesundheitsregion Plus the Start-Up Hub Bayern at the Bayerischen Staatsministerium. When the political legacy of the Gesundhaus in Tüpferl was taken over, it became a ‘Leuchtturm-Projekt’ for the region and the combined building of the Bayerische Raum with great potential growth. A “Geht nicht!” could no longer be active.

Auch Francesco De Meo made a packaging himself – under the first time it was written. Michael Jackson’s Song, “Start with the Man in the Mirror” explains why there is a copy of the book: “We will end up with a four-year insider’s view of our German health during the time of our first glance in the mirror.” If you rely on the fact that you can no longer work, you can activate the German system. ‘If the Mirror looks, and it was a testament, the power over The Man in the Mirror was first written for a healthy healthcare system. And if that is the case, then the Riesen will rise.” It was said that the German general interests would be below the potential of the sale.

Herausforderungen and health problems:

  • Fehlendes digitales Mindset
  • Massiver ökonomischer Druck
  • Blocking individual interests
  • Handsome Finanzmittel
  • Movement of health systems in self-made borders
  • Complexity of the system
  • Kliniken stehen in scharfer Konkurrenz zueinander
  • Existentielle Krisen (Bürokratie etc.)
  • Prinzip “more money for less quality”
  • Sektorentrennung will be ambulatory and stationary
  • Fehlende Stringenz in de Gesundheitspolitik
  • Dysfunctional system conflict (alternative structures and mechanisms)
  • Regulatory “Trägheitslasten” of the health systems
  • Überlastung der Beschäftigten in the Krankenhäusern.

Was Passiert, Wenn ZU Spät Reagiert und An Dem Festwaarden Wird, was immersion Getan Wurde, Zeigte Sich Vor Einigen Jahren Jahren Im Kontext Des Gesundheitswess AM Beispiel Dräger, Einst 2009 here ein „Turnaround- Programs ensure profit and equity. This is not a war: so make sure that with the segments of the advances you perform 1000 new calculations on the basis of the waiting list that has been newly built in, falls in the Zentrale store for marketing and marketing. The costs are sweet for the Ruder. Projects with ‘Fit for Growth’, ‘Evolution’, ‘Shape’ and ‘Recover’ offer cost and personal protection. Internal criticism swells and examines the statistics of the Bereiche Medizin- und Sicherheitstechnik. Seine Forschungseinheiten, Dräger named it “C&D, “Connect & Develop” (connect and intertwine). Angestellte übersetzten dies as “Chaos und Desaster”. If the konzernführung no longer fits into his rational practice, it becomes a matter of “Technikfantasten”. Schellenlanden, who have established part of the State, ensure that they are solid, manageable Medizintechnik equipped with “Edelangebote”. If the Drägerianer likes the „Gold Standard“, no one can know more. The internal components in the crisis are not long lasting products, but are not related to the management set up, because of the problems associated with all external environments (währungsverluste, WELTWEIT POLANTIC TURBULENSEN) It ​​is possible to cope with the problems encountered in the internal environment (internes Bürokratentum and a translation) Fuhrungskultur). Francesco De Meo is in favor of a reform that focuses on the surgical orientation, “which personalizes while intervening, but which is no longer a punktgebnau. Combine with regional development in the Umsetzung.”

Heilung für ein krankes System: Was een bessere Gesundheitsversorgung ausmacht:

  • Veränderungen im täglichen Ablauf (Geschäftsführer der Kliniken sollten neben ihrer ökonomischen Fachkompetenz auch über grundlegende Kenntnisse in Medizin and Pflege paintügen)
  • Vermeidung überflüssiger Aktivitäten (Doppeluntersuchungen etc.)
  • Restoration of an optimal balance between medical values ​​and economic excellence
  • Orientation am tatsächlichen Bedarf der Bevölkerung
  • Future Digitalization Strategy (Umsetzung der Möglichkeiten von Digital Health)
  • Vermeidung von Effizienzfallen
  • Ergebnisorientation statt Aufwandsorientation
  • Development of Gestaltungsspielräumen for a medical treatment
  • Initiating cross-border and systematic dysfunction in German healthcare
  • Personalize your commercial dishes
  • Better infrastructure and economics
  • Basis and Ausbau of Innovationen
  • Stir a few nachhaltigers und sunken lebenstils
  • Öffnung von Sektoren und Budgetbounden
  • Senkung der Medikamentenkosten
  • Stärkere Fokussierung auf de Bedarfälterer Menschen
  • If the institute is no longer an institute and is not linked as the individual, the correct management of the afterchaltigkeitsmanagement will be resolved
  • Patient care (good treatment quality)
  • Stärkere Fokussierung auf Prävention(smedizin)
  • Vereinfachung und Vereinfachung der administrative Prozesse
  • Schonung der Ressourcen bei Einsatz zeitgemäßer Technologies
  • System reforms (Vergütung muss ärker an der Outcomequalität von Behandlungen were developed, Reform der Finanzierung und des Vergütungssystems, Regionalbudgets, um die richtigen Anreize zu setzen and the falschen Anreize zu seitigen)
  • Active Transformation of the Safeguarding Standstill (More Agile Strategies for the Community of Health, Abkehr von Bekannten Structures)
  • More transparency and better communication
  • Radical Thinking – away from intervention, prevention, away from selectiveness, away from sectoral silos, away from barrier-free treatment paths, away from reason, away from action
  • Barrierefreie, bezahlbare und good Versorgung (Etablierung regionaler Versorgungsnetzwerke, effective Erhöhung der Versorgungsqualität, inhaltliche Orientierung a der Praktingen Versorgungswissenschaft)
  • Flächendeckender Zugang zu bezahlbarer Gesundheitsversorgung und gleichzeitige Sicherung von die high-quality de Leistungen.

The organization has found a “human power”, it is a court that will be sold and time will continue.

Das Buch:

  • Francesco De Meo: Wecken the delicious Riesen. If there is a good health system, the thread is woolen thread. Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt/M. 2024.

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