
The Krise at Boeing was a flight passenger


Status: 28.09.2024 05:30

The American American airline Boeing is critical of various airlines. The Lufthansa must move flights that take longer in the flight plan and implement a flight plan.

Von Alina Leimbach, ARD-Finanzredaktion

The problem at Flugzeugbauer Boeing has registered with the following airlines. Deutschlands largest Fluggesellschaft, the Lufthansa, wartet roads Loverswierigkeiten at Boeing on 41 new Langstreckenflugzeuge. The best is a Lufthansa-Sprecherin company Once the message “Handelsblatt” has appeared, the announcement of the end of 2026 is no longer with the new long term of Types 777X rechnet. The first flugzeuge sold in 2021 were solen.

The war started at the end of August, the Boeing test flight with the 777X after the damage and the connection of the work and the flight from the USA. If a planning inspection takes place, it is a matter of “nicht who opted for it”, teilte der Konzern met. If you encounter another problem: Beim Modell 737 Max 9 etwa lasts now 38 Machines in Monat be, weil es Security consideration of the Behörden gibt.

Frequencies and connections at the Prüfstand

De Ganze can also have additional travel options for passengers: “Einzelne Flugverbindungen or der Frequenzen müssen durch die Situation in de Prüfstand” were established”, heißt es von der Lufthansa. Fluggäste should last longer with the years since the 747 models have started. If love is determined for the prize, the time the flight lasts 23 years will increase self-esteem.

If you see these machines naturally, it means heavy use. There was a few of those flugzeuge styles, like Lufthansa chief Carsten Spohr in the “Handelsblatt”.

Zahlen zahlen zu wirtschaftlichen Folgen will Lufthansa auf Anfrage nicht nennen. The affected airlines will provide this airline with Boeing sustainability. “New fuel is cheaper to use than lighter. In addition, it is also more cost-effective,” says Yvonne Ziegler, Professor of Air Transport Management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

Lufthansa urgently produces modern Flotte

If Lufthansa has to make a flight urgently, the new Business Class Sitting must be implemented, so Ziegler. “As Lufthansa started work, the Business Class class was closely monitored by its competitors. The long-term flight assessment of Types 747 has been at the back of our minds since the year.” The problem: a question is an exclusive Business Class that consists of an argument for another airline. A Aufrüstung der alten Flugzeuge lohnt sich nach Einschätzung von Experten nicht.

The economic consequences of the Boeing Chaos are other Fluggesellschaften in the German economy. So blame United Airlines, one of the major US-American Airlines, which put the Flugverbot of the 737 MAX 9 through a major problem in the fourth quarter of 2024, which cost 200 Million Dollars. So this is one of the entsprechenden Mitteilung. The Boeing version was a man in the winning zone criticizing the internal market.

Ryanair: Fünf Millionen feweniger Passengerways Boeing

If one of the big Boeing-Kunden, the European Billigfluganbieter Ryanair, is deutlich. In the Geschäftsbericht 2024, the charities assumed that Satz posed a problem. Wegen rund 20 fehlender Flugzeuge für de Urlaubshochochphase in Summer has man das Passagierziel deutlich senken müssen – een fünf Millionen Passagiere für das Geschäftsjahr 2025. Ryanair flies out of the sky quickly with Boeing and is more than a flight of the Unternehmen.

A Wechsel from Boeing to Airbus for Airlines has seen no other option, said Luftfahrt expert at Ziegler. “Airbus’ Auftragsbücher has been maintained for a year.” And if that is not the case: Wer von a Flugzeugbauer on another umsteigt, müsse auch Piloten and Kabinenpersonal entprechend umschulen, sagt the Betriebswirtin. This is: gentle and sublime.

US-Konzern seit Jahren in der Krise

You may experience the following problems with a Boeing-Sprecher on Anfrage von with: “There is no longer a priority for those who stabilize in a matter of love for the final assembly of the gewährleisten. I think of the active Streik that will work with the Flugzeuge auszuliefern, die zum Zeitpunkt des Streiks bereits von der FAA-zugelassen.” The FAA is the aviation authority in the United States.

Seit 2018 Steckt Boeing in der schwersten Krise Seiner Geschichte. Damals stürzten two 737-Max-Maschinen in weniger Monate ab. In October 2018, a Mittelstreckenjet der Reihe and nur kurz darauf im März 2019 in Thiopien verunglückten a Maschine des gleichen Typs verunglückten in Indonesia. 346 Menschen kamen dabei ums Leben.

After the summer of 2019, the March 2019 model should be in Boden for more than 20 months. There are technical solutions that can perform the kite and the other types of welding work. The Hersteller cost the Desaster Milliarden. Inzwischen is a new Führungsspitze. Auch das Rüstungsgeschäft steckt in Schwierigkeiten; the Sparte lost in the end of both years. Der Konzern kämpft zdem mit chronicen Lieferverzögerungen en een high Schuldenberg.