
Vogelsang company is a new Führung

Vogelsang company is a new Führung

  1. come on.the
  2. Lennetal
  3. Herscheid

Vogelsang company is a new Führung
Philipp Friedrich (Bildmitte) founded the Firma Ernst Vogelsang GmbH, who died on October 1. Vogelsang Umformtechnik GmbH became stronger and more efficient, after which a new Mannschaft new beginning would be made. © Dickopf, Georg

After the beginning of 2024, some of the company’s debts and debts with the Firma Ernst Vogels van de Neustart have been removed.

Herscheid – Die Vorfreude hat einen Namen: Philipp Friedrich ist der Mann, der das am Mühlengraben ansässige Unternehmen ohne Altlasten wieder nach vorne wil bring. „That is a solid job, even though I work hard“, says the 44-year-old worker, who lives in Kirchveischede and a company in Finnentrop. One of the oldest Firma Hesener can carry out his or her work. There are things like work and gel erner work machines that anteile and später that the others gesellschafter übernommen übernommen.

The 15 articles relate to a product portfolio of the Vogelsang company.

Neustart nach Insolvenz: Vogelsang company is a new Führung

Während de Maschinen in Finnentrop a Pressendruck zwischen 45 und 125 Tonnen haben, liegt dieser bei der Firma Vogelsang zwischen 80 und 250 Tonnen. Das Herscheider Unternehmen, das ab dem 1. October as Vogelsang Umformtechnik GmbH has become more solid, so that the Finnentroper Werk is carried out. Gleichwohl erhofft sich Philipp Friedrich gewisse synergy with material purchasing and the processing.

If an investor files for bankruptcy, he will receive more than a Dutzend interest in Herscheid de Klinke in Hand. After the information about the redaktion there were a number of potential investors, the full interest in the machinery and part of the Mitarbeiter hats, the location in Herscheid after the vast majority of the shares.

Philipp Friedrich (left) at Gespräch with a Mitarbeiter der Vogelsang Umformtechnik GmbH.
Philipp Friedrich (left) at Gespräch with a Mitarbeiter der Vogelsang Umformtechnik GmbH. © Dickopf, Georg

“I have a good feeling here, if the company is motivated and wollen der Firma treu bleiben,” says Friedrich, that he offers other alternatives for the umbrella “a company that deals with fachliche competencies of the company” entschied.

“I will not make the fast Euro here”

And before the “Vogelsänger” war Philipp Friedrich, who in fishing Freizeit was repeated by nature, the first Wahl, was with the signaler Einstellung zu tun haben expensive: “I will not here the Euro machen, without the company wieder with establish a solid foundation“, such as the Kirchveischeder, the Lieber Shirt as a T-shirt, pulls and mehrmals in the week before he or she wants, if the crossing of the frosts can take place, a tag and both can hold out from each other.

The product portfolio was originally from the Herscheider Betrieb, for the Insolvenz 40 and jetzt 20 Mitarbeiter zählt, to 40 Prozent von der Automobilindustrie abhangig. 30 products were developed for the electrical industry and for a larger number of companies in the production of solar energy and the agricultural industry.

Since the production companies, the Tiefziehteile, Unterlegscheiben und Stanzteile aus Stahl, Kupfer, Brass, Edelstahl und Aluminum verarbeitet, have become smaller, adjust the operation of the Abrufen, which is used during the low business economics and the insolvency phase of the company.

The Vertriebs team has developed a new generation, with the man in October into a new company, with a new business started by the start of concrete Friedrich. With a sign it is worth seeing Senior Chef Dorothea Vogelsang (73) at the Erfahrung Philipp Friedrich.