
World Food Programme: “Wir fragen kaum more nach de Ursachen”

World Food Programme: “Wir fragen kaum more nach de Ursachen”

If you are in the Zeiten, a few kopfzerbrechen die. Deshalb plays in the Series “Worüber Denken Sie gerade nach?“Führende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler anyway Stimmen des öffentlichen Lebens, was sie gegenwärtig thoughtfulswert find. The Fragen pose Maja Beckers, Andrea Böhm, Christiane Grefe, Nils Markwardt, Peter Neumann, Elisabeth von Thadden, Lars Weisbrod or Xifan Yang. This is an answer from Diplomat Martin Frick.

SAID ONLINE: Martin Frick, do you think this is so?

Frick: I can watch the unglazed fragmentation of a world as its constructive effect becomes increasingly clear. Since 25 years of work as a Diplomat – so extreme war dies and the tax system is not an international rule. Grundsätze were formed in fragments, which would gain more and more content. That international one Solidarity and order, after which it will be delivered, will always come more Risse.