
Particularly Katzen-Paar is courting at Happy End

Particularly Katzen-Paar is courting at Happy End

Munich – Die Cats “Hinky” and “Pinky” enter the picture Munich Animal Shelterweil sie ich with a written Katze nicht wits. Nun courtes the Duo on a new Zuhause.

Katze Pinky (l.) and Hinky are a single duo and wollen also in Zukunft bleiben.

Katze Pinky (l.) and Hinky are a single duo and wollen also in Zukunft bleiben. © Tierheim Munich (2)

Both European Shorthaired Cats were born in 2013. The couple is a family for a family with many children. Of other breeds, both of them do not have any common interests – so they should therefore be kept as a single couple.

That Hinky now three beine hat, ist si in their movements, zum Beispiel beim Jumping, one day. Trotzdem is his wasted and verbal time with his people.

Pinky looks at the Fremden fangs, says about a new phase on a beautiful page. If you work with your partner, you can no longer bother your business people. Add another Krankung to the Spezialfutter.

Schlafende Katze fasziniert Millionen von Zuschauern en wird zum viral Hit
Schlafende Katze fasziniert Millionen von Zuschauern en wird zum viral Hit

The duo entered a family, it was noticeable that branded clothing and food emerged. It is important to both, but their personal opinion cannot be correct.

More information about the health of the care workers in the Katzenhaus. If you are interested, please report Dich under the telephone number 089/921000825 and vereinbare een termin zum Besuch bij den Katzen.

Die Hühner Almut and Berta are suitable for Zuhause zum Scharren and Glücklichsein.

Die Hühner Almut and Berta are suitable for Zuhause zum Scharren and Glücklichsein. © Tierheim Munich (2)

And the old Legehennen Almut and Berta are having a suitable new place.

You can live there for 32 days and spend two hours at the Gnadenhof des Tierheims in Kirchasch near Erding.

Früher lebten die Tiere teils in Legebatterien and wurden zur ommerziellen Eierproduktion contentn. Manche von ihnen entdingen nur knapp dem Schlachter, berichtet das Tierheim.

Aggressive Katze greift eigene Besitzerin an! Frau muss ich einschließen
Aggressive Katze greift eigene Besitzerin an! Frau muss ich einschließen

Nun would give the Hühner an art-right and healthy lifestyle. “If you deserve it, a natural philosophy of life is a good choice for you”, it is discussed in your Pfleger.

If you are interested and have suitable Voraussetzungen for a Hühnerhaltung-mitbringt, you can find a telephone number 08122/14351 or under the mobile number 0152/01040115 Report directly to the Gnadenhof.