
Brigitte Bardot and was with the Secret of French Chic on his hat

The blond woman, the sinfully ousted Schmollmund, the shapely Blick. Kindfrau, Mentraum, Sex Symbol: Brigitte Bardot War against the European sin of the sexual revolution, after the bidders have offered the universal vollmundig Sirene, there has been an appeal to the profession of the frühen Sechziger gehörig überforderte – and the Bardot itself gleich mit.

BB turned 90 years old on September 28. A woman who paints in the film, who is proud of my heterosexual portraits, loves me for the longest time as people.

Sinnliche Sirene

Schon de Namen ihrer Filme sprachen Bände. In “Und immer lockt das Weib” If you have a hint about gasoline, flirt with Curd Jürgens, then it’s time to go to the Rhythmen-Höhepunkt. In “With the Waffen a Frau” see for Jean Gabin the Rock makes love, give the Blick for free in the best way, a generous Anwalt vom Free mandate for the über sows. Another film remains visible at all: “Ein Weib wie der Satan”. Die Folge: Die Welt drehte durch.

That’s right there Feminism these Wirken in diesen Filmen verzieh, meer noch, es ihr hoch anrechnete, went argumentative denoch irgendwie nichtsammen.

BB and der Feminism

“You know the days of the unfulfilling Traum of your man” message, prophecy of the Bardot ihr Entdecker und erster Ehemann, Roger Vadim. BB once said: “If Mann stops filming, then the end result, with my schlafen, will be where it was more glücklich.”

The Frauenbewegung is based on the self-best dynamics in the time that we have the Selbstbewusstsein. Simone de Beauvoirthe most experienced woman in the world, who is seen as the “Lokomotive des Feminismus” in her sexual freedom. Zahlreiche matters, it is not a secret, deluded urge.

“I am a hunted woman”

The bardos of Jetset live with peace of mind, heirs of the Jetset Playboy Gunter Sachspower of the unmanned fishermen of Saint-Tropez in the center of the world. Mit “Die Wahrheit” and Jean-Luc Godards “The Verachtung” see what important work you do. “Private life” von Louis Malle Kracht in the film adaptation of Leiden as a film star shy about mirroring his own life. Being private has become the war of the BB, “I am a harried woman”, go to the protocol, “I cannot make a statement, a hint and a reversal.”

In Rom Followed by Paparazzi on Motorrollern, on the Straße she can sleep and be wrapped in Schleier, no one can interfere with it. “Es gab keine Freiheit”, so to speak. Auch Muttersein has a hat on the Welt Keinen Platz. Once you are bound, the reporter will belauert and besiegert on Dächern, Höfen and in Nebenräumen, with microphones ausspioniert, manche geben sich as Briefträger or Hausmeister aus, a story that is described. “Es war barbaric.”

Verstussener Sohn

Brutal, who eliminates Bardot in Sohn Nicolas after the hard work. “A different life in my life, as strong as I am, might be a useful person, who after the Schlüpfen eines Insekts,” he said. “I must have a Scheusal gewesen signal.” Alice Schwarzer Please take this Ehrlichkeit into account.

The struggle, the provocation, and the militant struggle, it’s all unheard of in the BB universe. The Verlegenheit, in the case of this publikum, it seems that the Kinostar trust, as the broad pruch of the Tierschützerin and the Vertreterin judge Parolen of the sparrows, is not a beautiful thing. Letztendlich si, gleich ihrem other friend, their free time Alain Deloneen verrätselte Erscheinung.

Mit 40 war Schluss

That now happened in 40 years 1973 with Karriere, past in the picture. Although it is true that the Bardot becomes nostalgic, it becomes a einstigen Blüte, while it is worth spending the time and it was so much fun to do. In any case, the negative feedback is negative: “The film is still alive and well”, I’ll never forget it.

And who is the best with the change? “I’m a good man, but I’m a champion”, that’s an interview with him. “I have always been a sign. Man must accept that change. I am the smartest since that failure of the mind.”

Ob Brigitte Bardot has given the secret of the French woman a definitive hat? Even if the secrecy of one of the most beautiful things, an animation, a mystery, is that.

Perfectly executed

I am a French Kino-Pantheon, a man of Bardot, with my blonde girl and an unprecedented emotional feeling, I am especially on the role of the wild teeth.

Catherine Deneuveif you are blonde, you see that it is good. An elegant, with a comforting experience, that strengthens the power of your life at a distance, while strengthening the time to lose weight. Fanny Ardantthe Muse von Truffaut – the Woman with the spitzbübische Lächeln, who pfeift auf Konventionen. Anna Karina: with ihrem von Stirnfransen eingerahmten Gesicht, die großen Augen als Scheinwerfer der Nouvelle Vague – zärtlich, fröhlich, waste. An unnachahmlich schick, aber nicht Sylt-schick, sondern so schick, dass man es schon Französisch schreiben muss, um ihm einigermaßen nahezukommen: chic.

Kühle Blonde: Catherine Deneuve goes for distance beauty with dunklen Abgründen

©mauritius images / Screen Prod/Screen Prod/mauritius images

It is not a herbeihalluziniertes Lifestyle-Phantasma, it is not the most likely that a man of Schönheitsgeheimnis of the French Frau spricht. The image of Französin – charming hair, makeup, no makeup, untouched outfit –, the perfect art is an imperfect, sour power that is active in the kitchen.

Anna Karina, Galionsfigur der Nouvelle Vague: Sinnbild für spielte Zartheit

©imago images/KHARBINE-TAPABOR/20eme siècle via

If it is right, and it is an unspeakably absurdist fact, this image also exists, if it gets in the way. Also externally stylized, highly elegant, and in every detail well thought out. Selbstverständlich understands the gel ernte Pariserin sich keinen Genuss and kein Glas Rotwein – Gertenschlank bleibt sie denoch ne Aufwand.

How to be Paris

If you are französische Frauen der halben Welt den Kopf verdrehen, ich nicht nur die Brigitte, son van de NZZ. Bücher, Article, Series – all kinds of specialties that are used with the mentioned Phänomen others. Or it is wise to work. Was it a must-have for Französinnen’s look? Is the Welche Stilregeln gold-plated? Welche Mode-Basics is fun? The magazine is written with tipps.

The ex-model Caroline de Maigret is gold as a Fashion Ikone. My book ‘How to be Parisienne’ is a bestseller


Großen Anteil can make a best book. Wars from 2015, as “How to be Parisian wherever you are. Liebe, Silence and Lässigkeit à la française” by Caroline de Maigret and three friends of a bestseller. Die Autorin, die gern mit Wuschelhaaren und in weiten Hemden auftritt, gibt darin Beauty-oder Gesundheitstips (“Wodka am Abend, Tee am morgen”), aber auch Ratschläge hinsichtlich Männern (“Always be fuckable”). Dass das Buch nicht auf Französisch erschien (“Das wäre anmaßend”), is Ironie der Sache.

Whoever is Französinnen is so illicit, innocent, then lasziv, and is increasingly insulted. There will be a push of the button, etwa mit “Dress like a Parisian: The Style Guide for Perfect French Chic“von Alois Guinutthose concrete tips for categories with understatement, rules or sinnlichkeit gibt, or “Pariser Chic: Der Stijlgids“. Letzteres Werk stems from Inès de la Fressangeehemaliges Top and Chanel Model, Muse von Karl Lagerfeld. Could you do this?

Camille Razat with “Emily in Paris”, for the stylest and most successful actress Frankreichs

©WireImage/Arnold Jerocki/getty images

Is Schönheit Nebensache?

“Größtenteils natürlich en mühelos, aber mühsam erzielt”, dictates the la Fressange der Fashion a small definition of French-Girl-Ästhetik. Beauty operations are over. Eh den French chic Precisely by combining a Capsule Wardrobe, which can also be used on the base, the perfect combination is possible, without any doubt. The Fressange is a white or black blouse, a blazer, jeans, a clean shoe and a suitcase.

Lindsey Tramuta wiederum fand durch das Buch “La Parisienne. Das neue Paris – de Stadt der Frauen” in this new part, the Klischeebild van Französin the existing abzusprechen. “The new Pariserin is not expensive and white, it is not tagsüber Champagner and it is also not Chanel von Kopf bis Fuß”, statistics are diverse and politically interesting. Beauty? See Nebensache.

In mode: “Emily in Paris”

Das Interesse an Französinnen wie Schauspielerin Camille Cottin or Influencerin Camille Charriere Lindert das nicht. That Netflix series “Emily in Paris” It is a driving book and a fantastic fantasy for Frankophiles. In the Netz, the beautiful Looks, from Kleidern bis Hüten, ausführlich gefeiert. Camille Razatthat a Hauptrolle game, gilded as a stil-ikone, comes from BB-heute am nächsten and inszeniert itself perfectly in French Chic – from spoiled to aufgedonnert. Personal razats: “Rock ‘n’ Roll”, as said. That’s it French chic.