
Grow to the next height: Innovative start-ups get an exclusive chance at the Fachmesse VertiFarm

Grow to the next height: Innovative start-ups get an exclusive chance at the Fachmesse VertiFarm

© VertiFarm / Vertifarm with exciting information
© VertiFarm / Vertifarm with exciting information

Another member is the meeting of the AVF Summits presentations

Dortmund – From 8 to 10 October 2024, VertiFarm, the trade fair for Next Level Farming, Controlled Environment Agriculture and New Food Systems, began the sustainable transformation of agriculture and production alternatives. At the Messe Dortmund, innovative start-ups will once again meet from different industry groups. And it is a fact that the trade fair has a great opportunity. The Association for Vertical Farming eV (AVF), partner of VertiFarm, has launched the early years of the Start-up Challenge at the Rahmen ihres Summits 2024.

‘Grow to the Next Height’ – this is the motto of the Wettbewerbs for young companies. The Challenge offers the opportunity to represent and attract international industry and science experts. The Association for Vertical Farming is the prosperous gemeinnützige organization with awareness-raising and networking of all interests, a vertical agriculture that we can offer more. The AVF’s annual Summit reflects the industry’s initiatives, the development and the great innovations for. A parallel with VertiFarm was found at the Messe Dortmund and experts and industry organizations from all over the world were brought together, a Wissen company, a network that develops and makes new investments in the Indoor Farming diskettering.

Teilnahme for new grounded and waiting externals possible

Teilnehmen can be one of the Start-up Challenge freshly grounded, honor innovative ideas nor yet to be created, as well as those who are prepared for waiting Start-ups. Beneath the Bewerbern is the AVF instrument of the Unternehmen aus, which is on the 8. AVF Summit with a Pitch for a einflussreichen Publikum vóstellen und his idea können. Fünf der Unternehmen were Firmen sein, die noch ganz am Anfang stehen.

The prize for the winner of the pitches is a one-off chance: the chance to collaborate for a year at the AVF is great, and to be able to use the exclusive resources, networks and events of the industry. Darüber is in the package of a simple, customizable coaching program at an event of industry experts, a video feature on the AVF social media channels, which offer a free start-up stand at the VertiFarm 2025 – sprich: The one-off chance is an international company in the companies and companies in the agricultural, food and pharmaceutical industry in the sector.

All further information about the registration for the Start-up Challenge can be found here.

Full care with timely communication

Start-ups appearing at the VertiFarm in 2024 will want the complete brand development, so that they can get a Look at the Start-up package from the VertiFarm yard. Here a young entrepreneur can market a small budget on the promising start-up space and present his ideas, projects and innovations. Here the turnover is a good cooperation with the bigger players of the industry. Deutsche Start-ups have been given the opportunity to find a financing for the Young Innovator programs that they offer.



With the VertiFarm, Messe Dortmund brings together knowledge, technology, development and networking, one of the best logistics locations in Germany. The trade fair sets up new maßstäbe for the new Vertical Farming in the presentation of new technology, complex automation for vertical construction methods. There is a lot of attention for the topic of Vertical Farming over the years, which are presenting the first time in the areas of New Food and Controlled Environment Agriculture. In particular, with a view on the challenges of urban sustainability, the VertiFarm can present innovative approaches to centralised production – directly in the ballrooms. The Messe Dortmund presents itself with the Messeformat Discharge Support and Theme Blocks for worldwide challenges, with erosion falls, nutritional losses, sustainability and energy efficiency. In addition, the VertiFarm is a real corporate fair for the industry that handles all matters of business management in indoor farming.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /