
Lullusfest Deutschlands ältestes Volksfest wirft Schatten voaus

Lullusfest Deutschlands ältestes Volksfest wirft Schatten voaus

01.10.24 – It is a grocery store in the city, but in the zweiwochen in the Innenstadt on the Rummelplatz and Feiermeile. The älteste Volksfest Deutschlands, das Lullusfest – or kurz “Lolls” – starts on October 14 in the Kreisstadt Bad Hersfeld.

The Feuermeister-Denkmal des “Mr. Lolls” Reinhard Rauche steht dort, wed das “Fierche” …

Am 14. October starts in Bad Hersfelder das Lullufest.

Bereits am Vorabend see the Fackelzug durch die Straßen.

Jedes Jahr in de Woche des Todestages von Stadtgründer Lullus is celebrated at the Feast, the symbol of the Lollsfeuer – or a “Fierche” ist. The Feuergrube on the zukünftige Festplatz is schon ausgehoben and the Kastanien, the traditional ins “Fierche” were recruited, as a Kastanienbäumen schon rar. The first “Budewähn” (Schausteller) has started and put his head in the “Aquafit” park, and he ends up in the marketplace.

Bereits ab Sonntag, October 6, the complete Marktplatz is closed. The check is being performed and it is now possible to exercise the check. These can be supported here. First after the Abbau des Lullusfestes on the Marktplatz on October 25th we will see the befahr- en nutzbar signal.

Laser show after the Feierstunde in the Stiftsruine.

“Lolls von oben”: Man kan das Lullusfest een best terminen auch vom Turm der Stadtkirche …

The Lollsfeuer is open at 12 noon on Lollsmontag (October 14). …

Fackelzug und Feierstunde Bereits am Sonntagabend, 13. October, find a Gottesdienst at Autoscooter statt at 6 p.m. I started with the beginning of the Fackelzug, while the Innenstadt went to the Stiftsruine führt, where the Feierstunde started the tradition at 7.45 pm. Bereits from 9.30 am the start of the day’s fun with more stretches during the Satdtgebiet.

On Monday, October 14, it is the right time: At 11.45 am Bürgermeister Anke Hofmann (parteilos) is at the Lollsrede stop, he is talking to Feuermeister Mark Baumgardt of the “Fierche” entwinden, which is then a Woche-brenner . It is Baumgardt’s first Lullusfest in his position. The Lolls-Umzug begins with the Anzünden of the Feuers through the large Teile der Innenstadt. Das Motto in diesem Jahr lautet “350 Jahre Mückenstürmer”. From 12 o’clock the party starts on the Marktplatz with delicious fahrgeschäften, Buden and a big taste and Angebot. An overview of the major costs in these years is here.

Lolls-Höhepunkte 2024 Höhepunkte des Lullusfestes since in diesem Below the Lulluskrammarkt at Mittwoch, 16. October, from 7 Uhr around the Festplatz, the Lollsfestival with “Hörgerät” at Donnerstag, 17. October, from 20 Uhr and der Verkaufsoffene Sonntag ( 20. October) zum Lullusfest in der City. Auch die große Freiverlosung am letzten Lollstag (Montag, 21. October) jedes Jahr zahlreiche Besucher an. You can lose the tag “Familientag” at the ticket purchase of fahrgeschäfte or one of the gastronomy Buden dishes.

“As the year goes on, the Lullusfest festival is celebrated with the belief that “Lolls von Oben” is born. 222 things are performed in the town church and call with a lonely design on the Lullusfest festival a next Terminen-statt find: Dienstag , 15. October stündlich from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Mittwoch, 16. October, at 7 p.m., and am Donnerstag, 17. October stündlich from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets for the Führungen can be purchased at the tourist information Price lie for Erwachsene bei 6.50 Euro, Children’s and Jugendliche ab zehn year are 5 Euro.

For visitors and visitors there is a Parkplatz with ride-and-ride service in the Innenstadt zur Refügung at Mittwoch and at Sonntag am Freizeitbad “Aquafit”. As soon as the “Lollsbus” starts in the city, everyone can have a splash in the city. An overview of the Lollsbus is here. There are regional buses in most community trips in the Lollswoche during Mittelnacht.

OSTHESSES|NEWS with more teams you can continue sending and activating messages during the Lullusfest for a few years. On October 14th there will also be an absolute celebration event in Bad Hersfeld, we’ll see what happens next: “Enner, zwoon, dräi – Bruder Lolls!” (cdg) +++