
Wilde Schätze des Äquators – TV program 3SAT

Wilde Schätze des Äquators – TV program 3SAT

Wilde Schätze des Äquators – TV program 3SAT


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Wild Treasure of the Aquators
  • Golden band-sweet lips.

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Wild Treasure of the Aquators
  • Army ants are blind, but they are the great plunderers of the jungles of the new world. How do they work so efficiently? (Photo credit: © iStockphoto)

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Wild Treasure of the Aquators
  • A Weißspitzen-Riffhai moans over the Korallenriff. (NHNZ)

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The Amazonas Regenwald is the artistic Land-Lebensraum der Erde. After the rainy season, the Waldflächen became extremely wet, and Tiere and Pflanzen were faced with major reforms. The environment of the rainforest in the Amazonas becken Stetig schrumpft, shelters is still a unique landscape of Flora and Fauna. Vom Jaguar over Affen und Schlangen bis zu den Ameisen have developed all Tiere-kluge Strategies, um die jährlichen Fluten zu überstehen. Part of Erde’s natural art finds an intertwining of the waters. This region represents fauna, flora and the unspoilt landscapes of the spectacular regions.

