
Russia reports Israeli missiles over Syrian attacks

Russia reports Israeli missiles over Syrian attacks

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Russia has sent its posts and attacking Israeli missiles aimed at the Hisbollah. Putin fühlt himself berängt.

Damascus – “Dreh- und Angelpunkt russischen aussenpolitischen Denkens sind die USA”, wrote Stefan Meister. Wladimir Putin has decided to start US activities in Syria and keep an eye on Washington’s own interests, so that trade in Ukraine can make a deal, so that the German think tanks for Australian politics can act as quickly as possible. Whoever thinks about the Ukraine-Krieg longer, will be in danger of the Civil War in Syria. If new escalations take place – anyone who is defeated by the Russian forces against Israel will receive a military soul from Hisbollah in the Syrian Territory.

Das Magazine Military watch message with a Russian Streitkräfte-hätten 13 Israeli missiles over the Syrian Luftraum-abgeschossen, after the Israeli Luftwaffe-möglicherweise reported hätte, a fear on the Stadt Tartus in Western Syrians and the Mittelmeerkuste would start. Military watch If you see more Russian Quellen, you can no longer expect international Quellen. Der Letzte Israeli Luftschlag gegen Syrian datum van Anfang September, will be by the Luftangriffe on more military base in Central Syria 18 People are seen, who the British BBC a message from the Syrian ministers has been received.

Israel’s Krieg gegen die Hisbollah berührt Russia’s own military interests

Military watch messages are clear from the long-term and long-term consequences of Russia, Syria’s own air force forces are being used. Aber Offenbar has saddened the young Raketenangriffe Russlandurown military interests: The fear of the Israeli Luftwaffe is the city of Tartus in Western Syria and the Mittelmeer coast and the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim golden haben.

“Jedoch has never gone so far, the Russian economy for all interests in the region, the authoritarianism of the American regime and the role of the US in Germany.”

My year is 2012 Radio Free Europe/Radio Freedom message: “Russia’s greatest strategic and geopolitical interest in Syria is the Nutzung a Tiefwasserhaven near Tartus.” We are talking about the Ausbau der Russian Kapazitäten als Gegenweight for the Middenmeer operative 6. US-Flotte. “This basis is a lifesaver. “You are in Betrieb and we are always in Betrieb,” said Vizeadmiral Viktor Tschirkow, the Chief Executive Officer of the Russian Navy in charge of the Russian Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti.

I have been on post in Russia since January this year that the festival is celebrated: Russia and Syria are one of the areas of the Russian Navy’s logistics territories in Tartus, which are the Russian nachrichtenagent, Bag message set hat. “The action lasts for 49 years and automatically calls for a jewel 25 years, if we will both take part of the Monate in Voraus auf diplomatic Weg, write in my Absicht miteilt, das Abkommen zu kündigen,” says the Vertrag.

Putins have returned to Iran and are bringing Russia to balance in the East

Obwohl Russland Truppen and Material aus Syria abükte hat, een eigen Präsenz in der Ukraine zu stärken, hege Russia kein Interesten an eenem Rückzug aus Syria, writes Nikita Smagin. The analysts of the American-American think tank Carnegie-Stiftung have deployed Russia in Russia to strengthen Syria’s domestic political and political economy, they will all demonstrate the stars in the region, or weld the German conflict. Smagin schreibt, dass Russland inzwischen zu sehr stricktt ist in seinen Krieg mit der Ukraine, als dat Putin would ausuferndes außenpolitisches Engagement erlauben.

A Russian S-400 Luftabwehr Battery in Syria
Russlands Stärke: S-400-Luftabwehr-Raketen at Hmeimim airbase in Syria. Damit sends a signal that 13 attacking Israeli missiles will be fired. © PHOTO AFP / RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE

The Russian government has a great influence on the Syrian province of Latakia, but it is a Russian unit that is less good, while Russia is using its inheritance power in the Ukraine. Whoever receives a message, it is a military fight carried out by the pro-Iranian Hisbollah-Kämpfer. Israel strives to achieve its goal of being able to sustain its future in Syria, because of the independence of the Germans and the Waffen abzuschneiden.

Russia discovers that it is its Syrian kings and fulfills all roles in the Zwickmühle. There are people who managed to convince Putin Israel and Iran how their own country could come from abroad. “Jetzt that the narrower cooperation between Moskau and Tehran as the importance of the Ukraine-Krieges Russlands Balance-Akt seriously undermines,” writes Analyst Smagin. zu unterstützten und die Rolle der USA zu schwächen“, said Stefan Meister of the German Society for Auswärtige Politik.

Einsatz der Luftabwehr against Israel can build up tensions

Who Military watch message, puts Russia on the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim auf the Langstreckensysteme S-400 and S-300V4, the Mittelstreckensysteme BuK-M2 and the Kurzstreckensystem Pantsir-S verschiedene Mittel zur Electronicn Kriegführung. When the Israeli Armed Forces with Marshal Corps on Syria are ended for the ages, the S-400 and the S-300V4 will be faced with the abolition of the disease, which with the eightfold damage is among the wishes, who that magazine is writing. Military watch reports that the Abwehr-Israeli Missiles of the first kinetic Angriff-Russian Air Force have been gegenüber Israel gewesen sein konnte.

It would be worthwhile to expand the activities of both states into a joint law, as Milàn Czerny did this in November. Both countries can achieve their status as neutral mediators in the Middle East, so that Israel can get into trouble in the region if the Putin regime is no longer in Iran, which of the analyst For the Carnegie-Stiftung-zusammenfasst – gerade war If anything becomes possible, Russia will receive new missiles from Iran.

Missile Trade with Iran-Transport Russia in the Middle East and the Rim

Das Magazine Forbes messageete kürzlich, Russia has received 200 ballistic Fateh-360 missiles from Iran. This is the meaning of an assessment of the war in the Ukraine – “and could not help Russia after hinting”, who Forbes schreibt. The West’s refusal to go to Russia may seem “absurd”, which the German CDU police are doing against a silly smell problem. Laut Forbes When Antony blinks, Fateh-360 is one of the most recent statements about proper rights. Laut dem Nachrichtensender NBC The US Secretary of State has called the Iranian Missiles and Russian invasions a “dramatic escalation”.

Otherwise, the European states of Israel would have steered Russia’s course towards the invasion of Ukraine and would not have committed financial sanctions against Russia. Genauso hatte Israel, de Ukrainian Ersuchen nach Waffenhilfe nachzugeben, writes Analyst Czerny. It is Israel that has committed its own Accusations in Russia for the evil fatigue and bilateral Abkommen mit Russland geschlossen, beispielsweise in der Culture; and Israel also tries to trade with Russia, while Israel also receives signals from its allies, the US.

If not Russia threatens Iran in the future, Israel’s power will last a long time for the enemy of Putin’s regime. The whole country, i.e. Czerny, where Russia has been merged, ‘aber de Spannungen in dieser Beziehung unterstreichen die Tatsache, dass Moskau durch de Beschäftigung with the Ukraine-Krieg seine Neutralität aufgegeben and damit seinen Einfluss eingebüßt hat and in the Region and the Rand gedrängt word “.