
Solltest du vermeiden: Achtung, fünf Fehler stärken deine Erkältung

Solltest du vermeiden: Achtung, fünf Fehler stärken deine Erkältung

If there is an Erkältung hat, it can quickly come off. However, Vorsicht: Fehler can reduce the infection and improve the immune system. Erfahre here, worauf zu consideren ist.

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Willkommen in the high phase of the Erkältungszeit! Things quickly go wrong – and so the Nase, the Hals schmerzt and the Husten leave the Alltag to sand. It’s high time, it’s time to clean up. A small Helfer who Nasenspray and fiebersenkende Mittel comes forward with his Einsatz.

Is this a wirkliche intestine? Who is so often noticed by Teufel im Detail. Man can deal with the disease best because he gets sick (and never dies!)

1. Schnäuzen – or not?

If the Nase is congested, a man may be naturally free from freedom. A natural person with a keen sense of taste, the high view of the Schleims is extremely impressive. Medical research is a fact when it comes to loss.

If Schnäuzen take the best risks, part of the Schleims de Keimen is pressed into the Nasennebenhöhlen and another infection cap continues, the immune system is shy again. It was noticed that the high quality and loss ended up in the stomachs a lot of the time and this was eliminated.

If someone schnäuzen, then next time: Immerse a nasenloch and then schnäuzen with sanftem Druck ins Taschentuch. Make sure you store a paper bag so that it is sorted as quickly as possible.

2. Nasenspray dauerhaft nutzen

Nasensprays, which remove the nervous discomfort, bring fast relief to Schnupfen. If someone has spent a long time in autumn, the aftermath of autumn may be damaged and will linger in the extreme autumn.

If you review a pharmacy and a pharmacist, the sprays are in time one of the first years of life and then wieder abzusetzen. The problem is that the preparation after and after the loss of the Wirkung, weil itself the Schleimhäute daran gewöhnen. When the sprays are dried, the shock absorbers will move faster – the only rebound effect that occurs.

Daraus can be a long-lasting Schnupfen result, causing chronic stress to the immune system and the longer the spray can last. A Teufelskreis, it’s worth its weight in gold.

3. Fiebersenkende Mittel zu früh einnehmen

Fieber can set a schwer-zusetzen. If there has never been a man, a position has been inherited. It is not possible – best in a conscious situation – the immune system is working, with the chance of this happening. The high temperature temperature becomes lower than the temperature.

If you have a gold-plated question, it is possible that the Fieber will be fährlich. If the temperature is 38 degrees in children and 38.5 degrees in adults, the temperature can be viewed for as long as possible. This is the immune system, nor everything in the Griff.

4. Sich nicht genug Ruhe gönnen

Ausreichend Ruhe is still not the best treatment for our immune system and the generation of a disease. If someone wants to start a little with peace of mind, it can be a passion, the man is very afraid, if it is his own business.

A then vernachlässigt man could die from the immune system in the Ruhe phases. It is best to make the effort, the Erkältung zu verschleppen. If there is a problem, the man is generally active in sports and in strengthening vision, if he falls out and continues first, when all the symptoms change.

5. In the sauna

Once you have stopped with the more extensive research, then the man with a sauna has come out of the white kitchen with such an erkältung. That’s false! Wer eine Erkältung hat, der sollte die Sauna tunlichtst girls. It may be that the stress is caused by the strengthened immune system.

It is important that the Saunen are in the sun, while the Abwehrkräfte is strong. If you have experienced any of the consequences of an infection, it is possible that the thread is going in the right direction.