
Living in XS format: Vor- en Nachteile von Tiny Houses

Living in XS format: Vor- en Nachteile von Tiny Houses

Tiny Houses are considered to be comparatively cost-effective living arrangements. The experts in the field of real estate agency VON POLL IMMOBILIEN are the cost-saving properties of the Mini-Häuser. Compared to classic real estate, the construction and maintenance costs are very low. Before all small household appliances used an energy source, there was a small power outage.

“Because the construction of Tiny Houses has become compact, they have become smaller and larger plots of land can be built. In addition to the urban areas, which are becoming demented and degraded by Bauland, it is often the case that small Baulücken occur in the construction. These plots of land may be one thing for a typical construction project, but nevertheless a suitable place for a Tiny House”, explains Beata von Poll, member of the management team at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN. “Cities and municipalities have never been so old when Baulücken is converted into new Bauland. Interested parties are so keen on searching for such surfaces and asking for additional building material”, says Beata von Poll.

Tiny Houses provide flexibility

Many models are mobile and weld in bedarf-montage. If you have asked the question, your flexible home is flexible and unreliable. By using Tiny Houses, there have become a few lifestyles, where the focus is on minimalism and the reduzierung in the most common way.

Rehabilitation orders in the Mini-Haus

If you make a re-examination with the Wohnform-verbunden, the potential-causing issues can be resolved. And that’s all as far as the small Wohnfläche is concerned. With a Größe von meist nur 15 m2 up to 45 m2 It seems like Tiny Houses are all for singles or couples.

“There are many interesting ideas and ideas, that is the region and the federal state that have strict building regulations and housing regulations, which prohibit the construction of a Tiny House,” says the real estate expert from Beata von Poll.

If you want to know this, you can use the gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen and local regulations for information, so in your time. In the event of a problem with the development of the generation or the best way to charge, the Bauprozess is required and as much as possible is done. If such things are a geeigneten Grundstück, then there is no gel more than the necessary Anschluss for Wasser, Strom and Abwasser verfügt.