
Lifespan: Liebe ist das Geheimnis ewiger Jugend | Living & Erasing

Lifespan: Liebe ist das Geheimnis ewiger Jugend | Living & Erasing

All instructions are possible. If you spend more time on probate and money in your family matters, you may find yourself crippled. If you can no longer solve the problem. Denn: Singles sterben sogar früher.

Solo men live so happily with Raucher (Universität Copenhagen). If you have been single for a long time, weist a 26 Prozent erhöhtes Sterberisiko auf (University College London). Frisverliebte have Blutwerte als Ledige (Universität Tulane) bessere.

“Einsamkeit is one of the great beds for carefree health. Couples it is in the German rule as Singles,” said the psychologist and author Dr. Wolfgang Kruger. In the new book “Glück is the best medicine” explanation of the Berliner Verhaltenstherapistwho was soziale Nähe nötig ist, um glücklich zu sein en healthy and well.


There is a suspicion that the kitchen occurs in the hormonal situation. In this Zeit überwinden are the three Schwachstellen der Seelisen Gesundheit: Einsamkeit, Unsicherheit and Langeweile. The immune system is lifted in Hochtouren.

Spätests can last a year Lovingness vorbei. Dr. Krüger: “Wer de Fase der Ernüchterung gemeinsam durchsteht, kan een taxable Partnerschaft dare.”


The health care properties are Beziehung and not with the Verknalltsein. A meta study that is very good is that the star beris of the family has grown into the singles at the age of 24.

Sex Schützt voor Erkältung

Ouch Intimacy make sure that the beneficial kräften are a love. Jedes Mal, if you with your mandememgehen, Glückshormone ausgeschüttet.

Im Rahmen a US-Study bekamen Versuchs Personen a Nasenspray met Erkältungsviren. In any case, sexual intercourse, where they can experience a milder disease or a milder effect – another Hinweis darauf, that the stress level becomes healthy and the immune system becomes strong.

“Küsse sin körperliche Gespräche”

If you know Wissenschaftler heraus, that people, the tagglich crafts, you will live five years longer. Dr. Krüger: “Ein guter Kuss nett ich dadurch aus, dat man sinnlich zuhören und gleichzeitig Leidenschaft ausdrücken kann. Küsse sin körperliche Gespräche.”

Dr. Wolfgang Krüger: “Glück is the best medicine: Who heals our soul” (BoD, 18.30 Euro)

Dr. Wolfgang Krüger: “Glück is the best medicine: Who heals our soul” (BoD, 18.30 Euro)

Photo: PR

Friends such as true love

End a good Nachricht für Singles: The life-giving effects of happy partnerships are associated with increased friendship. An Australian long-term study has ensured that people with real friends live 20 percent longer as loners. It’s a matter of rolling, who probably contacted you.

Dr. Krüger: “Our Herzensfreundschaften are more stable when it comes to a life-threatening situation, we will take a little distance.” If you are in the schnitt after 15 years, the friendships last that long.