
Guter Start for «Armes Deutschland» –

Guter Start for «Armes Deutschland» –

The Days program powers that fell Ausgaben von «Hartz and herzlich» mäßige Figur.

Am Dienstagabend setzte RTLZWEI «Armes Deutschland – Stempeln or abrackern?» with the new staff fort. I stand among others of the 25-year-old Mike and the 20-year-old Angelique, who live from the citizen money and the Arbeitslosengeld. 0.51 Million people from three years ago are drama, that is 2.4 percent market value. If the young person earns 0.22 million dollars, there is a market value of 5.5 percent of the turnover.

I am Anschluss wiederholte RTLZWEI die Sendung «Armes Deutschland – Deine Kinder»that is a year ago on the Buckel-hatte. The war of the repetition with 0.34 million dollars is a smaller expenditure, the market will be sold with 2.6 percent. If the young years have earned 0.16 million, there is a value of 6.4 percent. The re-holung of the Primetime dispatch is at 00.15 weitere 8.7 Percent Market rate.

The tags program file is available in Doku formats. Erreichte at 3:00 PM «Hartz and herzlich – Tag for Tag Rostock» 0.10 Millionen Zuschauer from three years and 4.6 Prozent in der Zielgruppe. The next step is a value of 16.05 Uhr 0.12 Millionen and 3.7 Prozent with the Umworbenen. Die Wiederholung «Heart and soul – Tag for Tag Benz-Baracken» hollow from 17.05 o’clock 0.21 million and 3.2 percent among the junior adults. With a next step the senders are 0.24 million and 2.7 percent from the soul group.

© AGF Videoforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit GfK; videoSCOPE 1.3, Market standard: TV. Zuschauer ab 3 Jahren und 14-49 Jahre (Vorläufige Daten), BRD gesamt/ Fernsehpanel D+EU Millionen und Marktanteile in %.