
Marburg-Virus-Suspicious in Hamburg: 110 minutes of Fear – captured in ICE

Marburg-Virus-Suspicious in Hamburg: 110 minutes of Fear – captured in ICE

Suspicious on Marburg-Fieber
110 Minutes of Virus Fear – captured on ICE 1915

Suspected of the Marburg virus: a politician for a Zug

“Hygienemaßnamen”, “Masks”, “behördliche Anordnungen” – while Suspicious about a fall of the Marburg virus in a Zug in Hamburg, the Corona erinnerungen wieder wach. Auch bei unserem Autoren

© NurPhoto / Imago images

The feature is that our car would make a normal normal train journey – if the train stops in Hamburg. A plötzlich die Angst mit im Abteil sitzt.

It is one of the consequences of a long period of joie de vivre. Soul is the Jedermannradracen “Münsterlandgiro”. Die Anreise, gezökologically planted von Hamburg-Altona nach Münster, in Fahrradabteil in der Spitze des Zuges. At 3.20 pm the day of departure in Hamburg-Altona ends. There comes from Frankfurt. Aber das ist ja völlig ohne Bedeutung – noch.

At 3.31 pm, the next few minutes will be available, the ICE 1915 will start at the next hour after Frankfurt/Main over Bremen and Cologne. In Hamburg-Dammtor and at the Hauptbahnhof, people are attracted to the railway. It’s a normal situation. Zügig continues in Süden. Harburg is the last Hamburger Station. Der Zug fährt ein, am Gleis stehen nor a few other Fahrgäste. Everything sees after Routine aus.

Der Zug stops – and the Grusel-Fantasien jobs are on their way

Der Zug stops. Dann passionrt – nichts. Die Türen bliben zu. Ratlos press the Zustiegswilligen on the green buttons hereum. In ICE 1915 the first rätselhafte Durchsage: Die Türen müssten geschlossen bleiben. “Machen Sie es sich solange geütlich.” More information will follow. Railroad veterans have so much experience with: “That strengthens Schwarzfahrer.”

Nothing happened for minutes. From this point of view, it is worth it, who learns the route of the route plötzlich. Vielleicht een Bombendrohung? Then patrols guarded Polizists and ICE. You can find the Passage on Google. The Bahn reports completely at “X” at a Schienenbruch at Peine.

Then the second, mysterious legend: “If you use the toilets, you will come to Car 9. The toilets will remain completely closed.” The first report from “Bild” was founded: “Polizei Sperrt Gleise – Virusangst im Hauptbahnhof.” Medizin students hired by Rwanda are thinking of the Marburg virus. The first crates in the backpack and the support of the FFP2 mask are present. Sicher is sicher.

Generated with a wisem Grusel the Google notification. The Marburg virus has not been affected by Ebola, a sterblichkeitsrate of 90 Prozent. When you personally work with masks, you cry in the hallway and passage. Would you like to book a Plätzen in a quarantine hotel?

Suspected of the Marburg virus: Plötzlich is in fear with my Abteil

Dann wieder Hoffnung, eine New Durchsage der Licht gequältte Klingenden Zugchefin: “Wir können nur sagen, dass es een behördliche Anordnung ist. Es geht um Hygienemaßnahmen. More weiß ich nicht.” The sign from Car 9 was reported via Whatsapp: “Were the toilet war, we were concerned: Were you comfortable with the toilet? Were you comfortable with it?”

Die Klimaanlage surrt. What is your gut feeling? Will the Gefahr be affected by the Lüftungsschlitze? B-Movie – Stimulation of strength. The first plans for the Feiertag were reached the highest level. Aber auch Gallows humor tritt auf the Plan: Plötzlich can be one of the best Stehpinkler, so that he is generally flached. The Zugchefin is concrete: “Wir müssen all im Zug bleiben, behördliche Anweisung vom Gesundheitsamt.”

The Bahn believes that this is often a problem. Do you still have an Amt? Kafka ends up in the Sinn. Is everything now a bad trauma? The Zugchefin reports itself: “The health and safety office is not safe.” And I say: “Wir sind zum Warten verdammt.” The studies of the general traffic in the ICE 1915.

The Toilettenbenutzer is out of Wagen 9 zurück. If you will, your toilet would have ended up in the bathroom. That is always possible in the Bahn – even if they are happy. But auch Stehpinkler has to date in the background.

The Erlösung comes – and with its normal Bahnsinn

Der Lautsprecher krächzt. It could be a problem for our Urteil. “I have good Nachrichten”, flutet unsere Wärterin überraschend: “Wir dürfen weiterfahren!”
If you perform a movement and an action on a freight journey in 110 minutes, you fly to Bremen in Münster. The Zugchefin versichert: “If there were no infections, the toilets were closed.” It is possible that a best Security Catalog will be recommended.

You can use the smartphone tips to listen and stop. When the Lautsprecher said, he said: “A financing of the Leichenfundes in Bremen would stop in Rotenburg.”

The whole normal Bahnsinn hat uns wieder.