
Ruhrtriennale: Sandra Hüller and Kirill Serebrennikow celebrated

Ruhrtriennale: Sandra Hüller and Kirill Serebrennikow celebrated

Big names praised the first season of the Ruhrtriennale with the new intentions of Ivo van Hove. The Uraufführung of Kirill Serebrennikows Stück “Legende” is a political appeal.


18.08.2024 – 14:11

With the biggest premiere and big names of Sandra Hüller and Kirill Serebrennik, the Ruhrtriennale has started in the first season of the new intentions Ivo van Hove. The performance of the monumental Schauspiels “Legende” by the Russian Exil Directors Serebrennikow was performed at the Samstagabend in Duisburg for minutes with Beifall.

Schon am Freitgabend überzeugte die Schauspielerin Hüller in the opening premiere “I Want Absolute Beauty” as a rock and pop singer. Inserted into the Musiktheater after Songs of the British All-round Artist PJ Harvey von Hove himself.

Skurrile Welt des folgten Directors

The Besondere an der Ruhrtriennale is a showplace in the only industrial layers of the Ruhr area. So entfaltetete der kremlkritische Serebrennikow in de Stück “Legende” in der “Kraftzentrale” des Duisburger Landschaftsparks Nord – een een instigen Hüttenwerk – die Welt des verfollows sowjetischen Filmdirectors Sergej Paradschanow (1924-1990). At the end of the four-party program, a political appeal stands: “Free All Political Prisoners” (Freilassung aller politischen Gefangeneen) stands on the mountain top on a Leinwand behind the Ensemble.

Serebrennikow illuminates life and work in parade scenes in six “legends” with many witches, burlesque Klamauk, imaginative and far-fetched plays and Caucasian cultures, but also macabre foolish criminal scenes. The director criticizes the Russian Angriffskrieg against the Ukraine. A question of the alternative king can criticize the long-term of President Vladimir Putin.

Erfolgreicher Ruhrtriennale-Start

The opening weeks of the Ruhrtriennale were fulfilled with more premiers and art. After hearing the Tanz performance “Y” by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker in Museum Folkwang in Essen. Big names will appear at the next Verlauf des bis zum 15. September dauernden Musik, Tanz and Theater festivals. The program includes another musical theater “Pferd frisst Hut” with music by Herbert Grönemeyer and a solo by French theater and film stars Isabelle Huppert as “Bérénice” by Jean Racine.