
11 Tote in Rwanda – Marburg Virus – Falscher Alarm in Germany

11 Tote in Rwanda – Marburg Virus – Falscher Alarm in Germany

Hochansteckend and tödlich

The high-level Marburg virus will primarily contact most people with broke or körpersekrete directly. The Inkubationszeit lies between three and 21 days.

The symptoms can occur if Fieber has a strong head and muskelschmerzen. I write the tag of the Erkrankung that follows another example, Erbrechen und schwerwiegender Durchfall, der tagelang anhalten kann. In the two weeks after the onset of illness in Leiden, we are concerned with my innermost recovery and recovery from Körperöffnungen.

After the World Health Organization (WHO) has given the virus a virus exposure rate of 50 percent. Werte haben in vergangen Ausbrüchen demnach zwischen 24 Prozent und 88 Prozent variert. The patients and patients, who do not transmit an infection, die in the schnitt after eight of their new days about the strong blutverlust.