
Javier Milei wrote Speech from US Police West Wing ab

Javier Milei wrote Speech from US Police West Wing ab

Argentine President Javier Milei addresses supporters during a rally in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saturday, September 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Javier Milei started working with Rednerpult on Einsatz – and «Inspiration» from a TV series.Image: keystone

Argentine President Javier Milei is targeted for his radical, liberal political positions and his fiery Reason. Now it is clear, where the inspiration for letztere stems …

Nico Conzett

Says the name of Josiah «Jed» Bartlet etwas? If you ever watch television, the chance is relatively high. Jed Bartlet is the name of the fictional American president from the popular political series ‘The West Wing’, which is told in the Weissen Haus. (For those Gen Z: That’s how you watch «House of Cards» on Netflix.)

It was the serial sow with miles of what it was like: The Argentinian Rambo-Präsident is intended for its red, which is with a mixed superlatives, wilder gesture and nor wilder Mimik vorträgt. Milei weiss seine Anhängerschaft damit durchhaus zu begeistern.

Here’s how you see it:

Argentine President Javier Milei addresses supporters during a rally in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Saturday, September 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Milei at a Rede in Buenos Aires.Image: keystone

When a message from «La Nación», a Tageszeitung from Buenos Aires, has appeared, there are intense messages in a small light. So the Argentine president has spoken out – and that’s what Jed Bartlet stands for.

The nación columnist Carlos Pagni said that he had part of a speech milestone – which is not in the Heimat, impressed by the collapse of the UN general debate in New York on September 24, – a big question . Daraufhin would be the West Wing fundamental. Pagni transcribes an example of the series president Bartlet from the 15. Episode of the four staffel – a very erstaunliche parallel festivity.

Here the comparison:

Mileis Speech for the UN:

«Wir glauben daran, that the life of all Menschen geschützt became muss. If all goes well, people’s property will be protected. Wir glauben und de Redefreiheit für all. Wir glauben and the freedom of religion for all. We are happy with the freedom of trade for all … and we are happy in these days, we have lived in our country, we are able to move on from other people, we are happy with all people who are free from Tyrannei and unterdrückung leben sollten, also in the form of political unterdrückung, wirtschaftlicher Sklaverei or religious fanaticism. This basic idea could no longer be a good solution – it is impossible to become diplomatic, economical and material.”

THE WEST WING US TV SERIES 1999 - 2006 MARTIN SHEEN as President Josiah Jed Bartlet Date: 2006 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Mandatory Credit Limit: Image courtesy of WARNER BROS / Ronald Grant Archive...

Martin Sheen as Jed Bartlet in ‘The West Wing’.Image:

Bartlet said in the West Wing Follow:

«Wir sind für Redefreiheit überall. Wir sind für Religionsfreiheit überall. We want to learn more about freedom… for everything. And when we made a bomb in Ihrem Land for a while and were able to do so in my country, for that matter, there was passion in Ihrem Land, it was one. A world free from Tyrannei-überall, in the Gestalt-politique Unterdrückung … or wirtschaftlicher Sklaverei … or religious fanaticism … those grundlegenden Gedanken can no longer begin with our Unterstützung. Wir müssen ihm with our strong beginnings: diplomatic, economical, material.»

The Vergleich of both Reasons in video:

An explanation for the use of words is provided by one of the Australian journalists in the person of Santiago Caputo. Caputo is the chef of Mileis and writes the Reason of the President.

The device is one of the West Wing fan fans. Laut «La Nación» honored Mileis Chefberater conducted by Aaron Sorkin, the Drehbuchautotoren and Serienschöpfer from «The West Wing».

Santiago Caputo, presidential advisor to Argentine President-elect Javier Milei, walks outside the Hay Adam Hotel in Washington DC, USA, November 28, 2023. A team of advisors to the Argentine President…

Der Mann hint Milei: Santiago Caputo.Image:

While Milei is an extremely liberal leader, he is in the same circle of figures as Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro. Serial President Bartlet has chosen a democratic political party, which favors its progressive and creative approach. Dass Milei is addressed by a single person, with a certain irony.

The politics that the TV series inspires or Reason wants to plagiarize is not Seltenheit, who the «Guardian» writes. While British Prime Minister Theresa May was battling the West Wing Inhalten, Australian President Anthony Albanese is said to have won the film “The American President” with Michael Douglas.

It can’t be interesting:

In the Brazilian metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, mayor Eduardo Paes is losing his mind. If the Kommunalwahlen of the 54-year-olds received an incentive of 60.5 Prozent for the ex-president Jair Bolsonaro after the Auszählung, Abgeordneten Alexandre Ramagem with 30.8 Prozent. Paes has started celebrating the Antritt celebrations, which will no longer continue in January 2025 with enjoying Bürgermeister in the Stadt am Zuckerhut Sein.