
Wüstenwanderwege from Aruba to Texas » news | tip

From the rotten Sandwüste Wadi Rum in Jordan, the classic Wüstenlandschaft with Kakteen in Arikok National Park in Aruba, the Wüste in the US Federal State of Oregon and the wind-formed Monahans Sandhills in Texas to the end of the Wüste aus Sand and Felsen von AlUla – überall Führen Wanderwege durch die zijnnisvollen, kargen Landschaften. Here fGo no further than a walk through the Wüste.

Jordanian: Wadi Rum trail

Anyone who wanders through the rotten Wadi Rum and the adjacent Wüstengebiet and wanders over schroffe Felsen klettern, knows the man from films with Dune, the Marsianer or Star Wars. An annual Best Wadi Rum Trail of 120 km in length and technically straight has been conducted. In the Zehn Etappen it is no longer by the flache Wüste, impressed by a Schluchten or with Seil en Haken über verschiedene Berge – the highest Gipfel Jordaniens with a 1,854m high Jebel Um Adami, or the sagenumwobene Gipfel des Jebel Rum, a dessen Fuß eine 2000 Jahre alte Tempelruine stht. The Wadi Rum Trail is the first Fernwanderweg in Nahen Osten, the real Felskletterei in the integrated main route of the Seine. Vertreter der Beduinenstämme von Wadi Rum can take an easy walk. Buchbar on

Oregon, USA: Oregon Desert Trail

The 1,200 km long Oregon Desert Trail is a typical hiking trail: the route from the road to the summit, the markings and the wasserquelles were often rare, it was poor planning, a good and mental start, a navigation system and some good prospects for the reformation of the Wüstenlandschaft essential power. No more gold on the Trail, the von Bend to Lake Owyhee State Park and the Idaho border, as one of the full-fledged hikes in the US. As you traverse the Oregon Desert Trail through the remote and wild landscape of the southern United States: the high plateau of the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, the Alvord Desert, the marked mountains of the Steens Mountains, which form the gorges of the Owyhee Canyonlands forms. The Oregon Desert Trail was founded by the Oregon Natural Desert Association, an initiative for the Schutz who have a number of unique Wüstenlandschaften in front of them. More at

Aruba, Karibik: Arikok National Park

Rund ein Funtel der Landoberfläche der Insel Aruba ist durch the wüstenähnlichen Arikok National Park geschützt. The terrain is prepared by a fascinating experience with the white trauma beaches. Flora and Fauna in Arikok are an enormous and extreme condition and the Salznebel, which brings the Ostpassat wind, angepasst. BesucherInnen can be explored on a round 30km long route, the varied trails with uninterrupted knowledge of the surrounding area, including the natural history of the landscape. Besides in the fresh morning and kurz furrows of Sonnenuntergang 250 bird art beobachten, with a pair of the adult Prikichi-Papagei or the small, endemic Shoco-Eule. Particularly important is the central Rooi Tambu Trail (“Trommelbach”), which leads into the most beautiful three walks of the Besucherzentrum along the Rooi-Flussbetts along the Playa Beach. Here, where other species of the drumming winds in the trockenzeit are used, are alte watapana trees, aloe pflanzen and jaws with mangroves and sandy bottoms ab. More information at

AlUla, Saudi Arabia

During Wetteren’s years, field landscapes, endless sand dunes, deep gorges and a fast surrealistic Still: Wer dieses Abenteuer in AlUla It is possible that the Hussak Adventures Tours will embark on an adventure, which is a special Outdoor Adventure Hat. With my knowledge of geology, culture and history, guides can take you wandering through the Verledenheit – and looking at the beauty of nature. Auf Zeitreise started with one’s own experience of the sechsstündigen “Journey through time”-Tour – for a Felszeichnungen, which provides a glimpse into the cultural früherer Zivilisationen gewähren; about 4 km long “Hidden Valley Hike” ofenbart sich those majestic Weite AlUlas; for a distance of 6km, you will enjoy your time with “The Ridge Walk” of the Oase, and enjoy your life in this beautiful landscape; the nice hike “Madakhel-Garden” through the Madakhel-Canyon in the Sharan National Park, a cute Plätzen, more vegetation and geological phenomena; and the 90-minute shot “Top of Al Harrat” on the Madakhel Plateau offers a selection of the best panoramas. More under ExperienceAlUla.

Texas, USA: Monahans Sandhills

Get the motto “Everything is bigger in Texas” in the Monahans Sandhills State Park in the west of the Federal State with 15 m² large sandboxes in the depths and a view of a unique Wüstenlandschaft from the nearby area. In the park it is a small walk that is marked, it may be that the Sandhügel is studied after faith. Neben Wanderungen gehört das Sandboarden zur beliebstromen Aktion in den Dünen. The park is located near the Tierwelt, a verschiedener WüsTIEre und Vögel, die in die solite kunst van de system. Besides the sun protection and relaxation being worth it, the thin die in the air from the air. (red)