
Börse Frankfurt in Grün: Börsianer lassen MDAX mittags steigen | 28.08.24

Börse Frankfurt in Grün: Börsianer lassen MDAX mittags steigen | 28.08.24

In Frankfurt the signal is being stabilized.

Ben Mittwoch moves to the MDAX at 12:10 Uhr via XETRA 0.19 Prozent höher bei 25 330.13 Punkten. Insgesamt kommt der Index damit auf a Börsenwert in Höhe of 248,902 Mrd. Euro. Zuvor ging der MDAX 0.105 Prozent fester bei 25 307.66 Punkten in den Handel, nach 25 281.22 Punkten am Vortag.

The Börsen barometer has reached a high value of 25,335.18, an index that has found its lowest position at 25,227.62.

MDAX since the early 1990s

Since we started using the MDAX bislang ein Plus von 0.643 Prozent. For a month during which the XETRA Trade is open. On the previous trading day, July 26, 2024, the MDAX price was 25,116.62 points. Der MDAX wies voor drei Monaten, am 28.05.2024, openen Stand von 27 134,66 Punkten auf. For one year, on 28.08.2023, wies der MDAX 27 287.46 Punkte auf.

The index went over the year 2024 with a value of 5.62 percent. At 27 641.56 the MDAX marks were marked a few years ago. At 23 476.10 the hinges of the year’s remainder are marked.

Top and Flop Actions in MDAX

Among the top stocks in MDAX you will find the time around Aroundtown SA (+3.66 percent to EUR 2.35), Delivery Hero (+2.48 percent to EUR 24.42), United Internet (+1.98 percent to EUR 19.60), Carl Zeiss Meditec (+1.92 percent to EUR 66.25) and TRATON (+1.72 percent to EUR 29.60). Schwächer notieren im MDAX derweil EVOTEC SE (-3.77 Prozent at 6.51 EUR), LEG Immobilien (-1.83 Prozent at 86.00 EUR), Aurubis (-1.75 Prozent at 67.45 EUR), KION GROUP (-1.54 Prozent at 34.61 EUR) and HUGO BOSS (-1.20 Prozent at 39 .48 EUR).

Welche MDAX-Aktien the highest market capitalization available

The Aroundtown SA share is the highest trading volume in MDAX on. 3,380,615 shares were traded via XETRA. The Talanx share is the power in MDAX with high US debt. The market capitalization of the share is worth 20,000 billion euros.

These dividends are from MDAX-Aktien

In 2024, the TRATON stock with FactSet Estimate is 5.42 percent of the lowest Short-term Profit Ratio (SRR) in MDAX. The RTL stock offers a FactSet Estimate in 2024 with 16.58 percent of the highest dividends in the display of others in the index.

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