
Viele Perspektiven at Tanz-House-Festival –

Viele Perspektiven at Tanz-House-Festival –


The Tanz-House-Festival has started – one of the most important festivals for free Tanzzene in Österreich. Dreizehn national and international Tanz-Kompanien präsentieren sich nun bis zum 17. October in the ARGEkultur and in der SZENE Salzburg.

The Festival is intended for experiments, for Körper in Bewegung and Geschichten voor Dynamiek. The two international and national Tanz-Kompanien said until October 17, 2010 in the Stücke – Zummengestellt zum ersten Mal von der Kuratorin Rosana Ribeiro: „It is a great Freude jetzt in der Position der Kuratorin zu sein. The Festival has a unique theme: Every few years there is a different theme in the composition of the programs.”

Performance and perspective

A Uraufführung erwartet de Besucher und Besucherinnen am Mittwoch: The Austrian Company Hungry Sharks verlieh ihrer Performance noch de letzten Schliff. Choreographer Valentin Alfery fights against the well-known phenomenon of NPCs with: non-playable characters. A trend on YouTube and TikTok when people move like that, when you see a figure in a video game.

In a world where digital stellvertretern is used – man starts to move with avatar. “Perspektiven” is the motto of the Tanz-House-Festivals 2024.