
Pilgern with four Pfoten: Nestlé PURINA ermöglicht außergewöhnliches Abenteuer for Blindenführhunde-Teams!

Pilgern with four Pfoten: Nestlé PURINA ermöglicht außergewöhnliches Abenteuer for Blindenführhunde-Teams!

After the monatelanger-vorbereitung since September 21, 2024 four blind Österreicher: flew in Spain, a gemeinsam with his blind flight on the Dutch Camino, on the Spanish Way of St. James, on wandering. Begleitet would be traveling from the project initiator of Independence Dogs Austria, the Leiter for Assistenz- und Therapiebegleithunde des Messerli Forschungsinstitutes and the Veterinaire Medizinische Universität Wien and Nestlé PURINA Österreich. It is a matter of everything you want to do and with the schönsten inner tensions and that of a large degree of absence.

Laura, Maria, Wolfgang and Sonja set off together and their blind flight, while they have amassed a large group and received a traumatic inheritance: They went on the Dutch Camino from Coruña to Santiago de Compostella. With your sunny day, with the same rain, sturm and smaller hurdles on the road, you have said four with your own hands or four feet, that is the matter, endurance, training and (self-)exercise. Four blind dog teams were accompanied by the project initiator of Independence Dogs Austria (IDA), Karl Weissenbacher from the Veterinary University of Vienna and Katharina Krenn, Senior Brand Manager for Corporate Communications at PURINA Österreich, on the 75 kilometer insgesamt. If you go through this journey, it will probably no longer be used in the (limited) Alltag.

Katharina Krenn, Senior Brand Manager for Corporate Communications at PURINA Österreichist with the Spanien geist. In this war, the life realities of the blind teams will get to know and strengthen each other. “We at PURINA clear, the Kraft van de Mensch-Tier-Beziehung das Leben zum Positiven ändern kann. While the journey dares to strengthen, whoever the Blind Führhunde teams with you the herausforderung nor more sistersammengewachsen sind and that ausgebildete their the blind people Unabhängigkeit and Freiheit bedeuten“lautet ihr Fazit.

Ingrid Sweeney, Vorsitzende des gemeinnützigen Vereins IDAexplanation: “Blindenführhunde became a special tool for blind people who are blind so they can understand and be safe. It is important that the Blind Führhunde teams train regularly. During the research, the skills of the Blind Führhunde teams were improved and the sin cleared.” Independence Dogs Austria is regularly available. Die Reise nach Spanien, de intercultural Austausch zischen unterschiedlichen Nationsen with unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen gefördert hat, wur in many Hinsicht for all Beteiligten etwas ganz Besonderes!

Die Kraft der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung

“I was in the last week of work and spent a lot of time with Emil training and was happy with him, so we had a great time.”sagt Sonja Lahnsteinerone of the blind Teilnehmenden aus Österreich, stolz. The Abenteuer “Camino Inglés” can be perfectly meistert with its raised Pudel. Ouch Wolfgang Niegelhel, Pan flute virtuoso and composer, is glücklich and zufrieden: „My Amando and I am a Herz and a Seele and nach fileser Assistenzhundeprüfung Mitte September, I can no longer trust in my Blindenfuhrhund and in a team. Der Camino Inglés will immerse itself in the best Erinnerung bleiben!” Karl Weissenbacher, Head of the Medical Assistance and Therapy Program of the Messerli Research Institutes and the Veterinary Medical University of Wien, is with the Durchführung der Assistenzhundeprüfungen verschiedener Assistenzhunde-Ausbildungsstätten, with an IDA, in the whole of Austria beauftragt. There are many things that have to do with training and training, but blind people in the Alltag with their Helfern on four Pfoten can be happy and enjoy their journey: “The quality of life of the Blind Support Teams does not bother me too much, but it is also affected by it! If there is only one left, then there is a good chance that the blind person is keeping an eye on things with his blind eyes!”

PURINA works when the Napf is switched on

PURINA is the best, the human being and the other sisters are a happier person. If people get a bigger picture of their lives, it cannot be that a blind flight is a free time and a suspension – in the Alltag, if it is a long way to weld. Marius Baumeister, Geschäftsbereichsleiter für PURINA Österreich erklärt: “I am very happy and proud, so we have an interest in these new projects. The Leistung and the Mut der Blindenführhunde-Teams are pushed down. If you carry out the installation of a lifetime and the development in the community, the project is an example for a company and a business.”

Photos see a travel message in video form with Nestlé PURINA Österreich free of charge for sale. Bitte beachten Sie den Copyright-Hinweis: © PURINA Österreich

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YouTube: @purinaoesterreich:


PURINA is the best, people and animals are a happier person. If this group makes an effort to stay longer than 125 years, then the life of the head and man will last as long as you want. PURINA’s portfolio has a number of popular and credible Tiernahrungsmarken, including FELIX®, PURINA ONE®, GOURMET® and PRO PLAN®. PURINA is concerned with the edge of towels for the home, people and the planet. In the 2022 edition, PURINA Engagements has taken on an ambitious character, an adoptive and responsible stop of the house of the soil, the prosperity of humans in agile living situations and the regeneration of soil and lake systems. For more information:

Über Independence Dogs Austria – Verein zur Ermöglichung der Selbständigkeit durch Assistenzhunde

Independence Dogs Austria, as the IDA has generated, is a community association, welcher vornehmlich Blindenführhunde, aber as well as other Assistenzhunde ausbildet. Es stehen Weiterbildungen und zentraler Stelle. It is the best and best Assistenzhunde-Teams to help. When the international guide dog federation IGDF gains new knowledge and experience in our work with their dogs and people who fly a little. The damage to those affected was resolved in the background on the display and after the treatment. For more information:

Uber Nestlé

Nestlé is the well-known largest company for Lebensmittel and Getränke mit Standorten in 186 Ländern. Rund 276,000 Mitarbeitende setzen sich tagch auf der gezen Welt dafür ein, die Levensqualität zu scaffolden en zu eener gesünderen Zukunft beizutragen. Nestlé offers a wide range of products and services for people and levels of all lifestyles. About 2,000 Marks of global icons with NESCAFÉ or NESPRESSO bis its innovation in Health Science Reach. The joint work in progress within the center of the human resources of Nestlé: in the good future lies the Kraft zu einem besseren Leben für all. The House of Nestlé is in Vevey, we lived there for 150 years in Switzerland. Nestlé in Austria with mainland in Wien has 750 employees since 21 years since 1879. The most important brands: NESPRESSO, FELIX, NESCAFÉ, NESCAFÉ DOLCE GUSTO, MAGGI, PURINA, BEBA, KITKAT, THOMY, SMARTIES, GARDEN GOURMET, NESQUIK, PURE ENCAPSULES.