
New Dialog format zum Thema Gewalt in Schulen

New Dialog format zum Thema Gewalt in Schulen

The Ministerium für Schule und Bildung in NRW führt Informationsveranstaltungen für Lehrerinnen en Lehrer ein. So an Austausch with high-quality experts and experts from the Ministerium and external institutions becomes more possible. Minister Feller commented: “Wir lassen die Schulen mit dem Thema Gewalt nicht alleine.”


North Rhine-Westphalia

Press release

State Chancellery NRW

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The Ministry of School and Education states the following:

Debt Minister Dorothee Feller has started a new Dialog format, a community with debts and debts, yet effective to make debts and debts before they get started. In the second digital version, information is given about the possibilities of the Austausches. “The grounds for the ascended violence potential in our society are very weak. Physical and mental abilities can commit a debt and can make such debt assistance and debt assistance possible if there is a case of learning power-oriented. If the grounds for violence fail, we must respond with a very weak and countermeasures”, the Ministerin stated. “If you engage with the reflection guidelines of the debt psychologists and other companies that offer this information, it is possible that you will get the best information and substantiation of Lehrkraft and all the debts that exist.”

The Veranstaltungen boats with the Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern of the Möglichkeit, Fragen a Expertinnen und Experten of the Schulministerium and external institutions that are targeted, die zum Teil während der Veranstaltungen were answered or were not answered on the Internet site of the Schulministeriums, dem Bildungsportal, . The theme was other new ways of prevention and treatment options in Moments, in their physical or mental aggression. Einblicke in his work and his research gaben beispielsweise Yvonne Levens from the Düsseldorfer Landeskriminalamt, Tanja Honka and Michael Berens von der Landesstelle Schulpsychologie und schulpsychologisches Krisenmanagement, Andre Niewöhner von der landeseigenen Koordinierungsgruppe #sicher im Dienst and Professor Dr. Herbert Scheithauer, a researcher in the field of human rights at the Free University of Berlin. They report on the new debt burden and debts and the observation: “Particularly those in debt are the masses of the social-emotional lessons.” The debt ministry has identified these debts as one of the relevant matters and souls with its masses experienced in a certain way of the Basic Competence, there are no lessons, writings, care and research in the social-emotional way. If you look at the switches of Lehrerinnen and Lehrer and both in Chatforen Gelegenheit, sich eenzubringen and to report on their everyday situations in school. “Conflicts which have their origins in our society have also been brought to our schools,” the minister said in the Lehrkräften. “Wir wollen unsere Schulen damit nicht alleine lassen.” The inhalation of digital information changes became ebenfalls in Bildungsportal öffentlicht.

  • Der Notfallordner “Hinsehen und Handeln”, der all Schulen vorliegt, bietet Lehrerinnen en Lehrern als Leitfaden ganz konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen for various Krisenfälle. The new prevention manual as part of the notfallordners said that Lehrerinnen and Lehrern ganz konkret, it was so that one of the Schülerinnen and Schüler van schützen, soft drink was the first who did not pass the waltvorfällen.
  • Rund 2,000 Fachkräfte für Schulsozialarbeit since im Landesdienst with my social educational Fachexpertise in der Schule-tätig. The guilty pleas and guilty pleas can come together with the debt counseling, the daycare centers in the Ganztag, the Jugendhilfe and the Schulpsychologie.
  • Since 2022, the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia has been part of the Community Schulsozialarbeit über das Landesprogramma “Förderung von Schulsozialarbeit in Nordrhein-Westfalen” with the new Beschäftigungsverhältnisse. It can all be in the Grundlage of the country programs on debt financing in North Rhine-Westphalia, with 1200 full-time institutions being carried out on the joint page.
  • Neben der Schulsozialarbeit is also the Schulpsychologie with its probable settlements and unterstützungsangeboten one of the most recent analyzes for the debts in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 54 schulpsychological beratungs couples in North Rhine-Westphalia have incurred debts during a systemic beratung, gewalt and mobbing, a debt prince and in concrete Vorfällen handlungssicher einzuschreiten. All debts are aimed at solving problems in the debts. In jedem Kreis bzw. kreisfrien city services are a schulpsychological service. Gemeinsame Trager dieser service sind de land en de jewelery Kommune met insgesamt 464 Couples voor Schulpsychologinnen en Schulpsycholoogen. Davon is 289 couples in the country service and 175 couples in the communal service.
  • The Landespräventionsstelle gegen Gewalt und Cybergewalt und Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen offers you access to information, especially for the Bereich der Prävention von Cybergewalt. If you are in the right place, an anti-mobbing project “Gemeinsam Klasse Sein” from the Techniker Krankenkasse teilzunehmen, is one of the won acknowledgments in his debts.
  • Competence in the area of ​​child and youth protection, with cybermobbing, are part of the “Mediencompetenzrahmens NRW” and were integrated into the mountain of debt.
  • A next step is Baustein in the prevention strategy of the land government in the theme Cybermobbing by the Medienscouts NRW. You can use Mitschülerinnen and Mitschüler and help to fragment a digital media page.
  • The Leitfaden der Kultusministerkonferenz took „Child protection in the School“ gibt concrete Hinweise and Materialien zur Erstellung von Schutzkonzepten in der Schule.
  • A democratic project and a debtor who has put together the debt ministry with the German children’s and youth foundation of the project “Your Vision Schule NRW – Junge Beteiligung für die Schule von morgen” ins Leben gerufen. If you have paid the first 100 debts from North Rhine-Westphalia, there are more debts that you can use.
  • In the framework of the school’s work and health protection, the Ministry offers through the wonderful überbetrieblichen Dienst (B A D GmbH) possibly medical and security technical advice and support services. So make sure that all land cultivation with the speaking time 24/7 is a new, telephone first aid for the sale, while you have a personal treatment of psychosocial themes.
  • The praxiseinheit “Verbal descalation und konfliktlösung” involves the escalation of conversation techniques and more practical solutions.
  • You will have to pay off the debts of the debts during the execution of the maintenance service during the preparation of the muster checklists and the uncontrolled treatment.

Weiteres zu the Angeboten find their trap in the Bildungsportal.