
Railroad chief Lutz setzt Verkehrsminister Wissing schachmatt

Railroad chief Lutz setzt Verkehrsminister Wissing schachmatt

New Gutachts
Deutsche Bahn and Bund: completely happy

Bahn chief Richard Lutz (2. from left) and Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (r.)

Bahn chief Richard Lutz (2. from left) and Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (r.)

© dpa / Andreas Arnold / Picture Alliance

The power of the Bahn was its will and political power. Transport Minister Wissing wants more cleaning, but a Paper of the Rechnungshof says, who ihn Bahn-Chef Lutz – deutscher Jugendmeister im Schach – matte setzt hat

The Gutachten or Bundesrechnungshofs can function well. Then, if you expect a small amount from your back, you can find the larger amount on your back. But the youngest Gutachten der obersten Haushaltsprüfer is a Page-Turner. If you are the Bahn and the Bund, there is a power and a position of power and who is the Bahn schafft, your own properties are very special. A fine Lehrstück-darüber, who conquers the vermeintlich Schwächere de Stärkeren and his great Money Verschleuderung führt. So jedenfalls see the Rechnungsprüfer. And if that’s what you want, it might not be so bad. On 33 pages, the Gutachter describes how the DB supports its own properties, the Bund, and does not surround it. Schuld has given his opinion on one of the cases: Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing.

When the FDP-Mann took over the Office of the Federal Transport Ministers in 2021, it was thought that the Bahn would now lose the infrastructure in the All Power and the Liberal Serious Power with an umbau of the state kingpins. If the following years are less interesting or if the CSU Transport Minister starts as a light figure, the seriousness of the Bahn used will increase, but that will happen sometimes. So if you take a first step in June 2022 and check the restructuring of the Bahn, you can deploy another “Steuerungsgruppe Transformation DB AG”.

Schienennetz gar nicht so marode

If it is still the case that the damage is repaired, it is no longer necessary. Richard Lutz train station went with the giant Sünder, the minister has appealed to the infrastructure to make everything happen this way, while the Bahn gets money for its Schienennetz. The most important thing is that the Erzählung will probably never happen, but in 2022 it will be the same that it is a solution, a little bescheinig by the Eisenbahnbundesamt. Aber das is nor another Geschichte. Lutz jedenfalls schaffte, was not possible for possible contents. There was the railway chief.

What followed was war and a Bahnreform light. The DB-gründete is a new company at DB Infrago. Darin bundled: Schienennetz and the Bahnhöfe. Kaum is not the Rede of Doppelstrukturen, his great Wasserkopf and Managementfehlern. Statistics is a new company with a different core, while the DB continues with the Kommandobrücke and politics in the Rand.

Bahn-Tochter Infrago von Bahn Control, der Bund schaut zu

Whoever it is, where the billions of money and the full burden of the Bund Milliard money are, is being reconstructed about the message. Zehn der 20 Mandate hatte der Bund im Aufsichtsrat der DB Infrago AG für sich gefordert. A “Bundesbank (, that) can no longer be stimulated”, the war continues. The DB AG “doesn’t die anyway,” quotes De Prüfer from a statement from the Transport Ministry. And then: The Bund is empty of 20 Mandates.

Make sure that the Bund is one of the posts of the DB Infrago AG, an instrument for control. If the DB AG takes the trouble to receive the mail. This is a Spitzengespräch-zwischen Lutz and Wissing – and Berthold Huber, the DB konzernvorstand for the infrastructure that the Job has in the dual function. When Minister Wissing announced the “great railway reform since 1994”, he said that he had taken over his role: “I was more confident that the railway infrastructure would not function properly”.

Erbärmliches Spiel

It’s all not fun, but the Zusammenschau is erbärmlich. Gerne wüsste man, wie Lutz – deutscher Jugendmeister im Schach – Wissing schachmatt gesetzt hat and warum Wissing so wenig auf seine eigenen Leute hört. It is a fact that there are many Couples in Message. So it is possible that the “Arbeitsebene des BMDV früh das Interesse der DB AG” write the Rechnungsprüfer. There may be a case of “Soul, more Federal money with little more control”. I am proud of the BMDV, “the interests of the Bundes who want to be strong”.

A regime has started financing the economy in its own country, while political power no longer continues from the manual. For the reviewer everything is “not acceptable”. It started with Zweifel, at the BMDV and the DB AG, which lasted a long time.

Zur Ehrenrettung Wissings had been noticed for so long that it was a matter of the Vorgänger in the Ministerium who had never heard of it.