
We’ve come

We’ve come

Berlin and Vilnius concretize with a unit the stationing of a German brigade in Lithuania. Deutschland untermauert damit seinen Anspruch, militarische Führungsmacht in Baltikum zu sein.

Verstappen Donnerstag hat der Seimas, das litauische Parlament, een Abkommen switsen Berlin und Vilnius über die dauerhafte Stationierung morehrerer Tausend deutscher Soldaten in Litauen ratifiziert. Since mid-September, the Defense Minister has prepared both Länder das Abkommen unterzeichnet and the rightful Rahmen for the current Lithuania Brigade of the Bundeswehr. Weitere Anwachsen der Truppe hangs in the background and two Factors: one of the Recruitment of the German Soldiers and one of the Fertigstellung of the non-Infrastruktur in Lithuania – including a 170 Hektar large Truppenübungsplatze in Rūdninkai. The Ministry of Defense in Vilnius reported on a number of military operations for the Lithuania armed forces: a new armored division, nor military service, protective defense and “the Concept of Total Defense”. Deutschen Rüstungskonzerne können in diesem Zusammenhang ihre Aktivitäten in Litauen ausbauen. The power policy is the stationing of the Lithuania Brigade for Germany and Erfolg. Berlin celebrated with its Anspruch, in the Balticum a military Führungsrolle zu übernehmen.

The next Meilenstein

The ratified decision is not from the first Meilenstein on the Road of the Lithuania Brigade. A year after the first edition of the year 2023, the German soldiers’ festival in Lithuania stations wollen, submarine Vilnius and Berlin in December 2023 the sogenannte Road Map, a Zeitplan for the Umsetzung des Vorhabens. Who planted Germany then in April 2024, the first Bundeswehr soldiers in Lithuania – 21 of 4,800 planted. This Vorkommando will follow the Verteidigungsministerium in October and November to review 129 copies sold. The only Aufstellungsappell for the Lithuania Brigade factory in Berlin for the first years of 2025. In 2026, the Marke von 500 Soldaten were established. The remaining 4,300 soldiers will be deployed in the years 2026 and 2027. The Defense Ministry will station the Brigade of the Panzer Bataillon 203 from North Rhine-Westphalia Augustdorf, the 122 Panzer Grenadier Bataillon from the Bavarian Oberviechtach and from 2017 onwards in Lithuania, German German Military Multinationals Bataillon of NATO Enhanced Forward Presence. Commander of the brigade with General Christoph Huber, appointed as chief of the NATO battalion in Lithuania until 2017. In a press statement, Foreign Minister Boris Pistorius said: We hope that 30 to 50 Federal Governments will be happy to welcome you with my family. It’s all a product of the Brigade’s Sollstärke. „Es lauft ausgezeichnet an“, behauptet Pistorius dennoch.(1)

Neuer Truppenübungsplatz

After the Lithuanian Ministerial Ministries 80 percent of the German Brigade in South Vilnius had become stationary, the Rest was a bisherigen Standort of the German Geführten NATO Battalions in Rukla. litauischen Geschichte” including its own, 170 Hektar grossen Truppenübungsplatzes lässt sich der litauische Staat nach eigenen Angaben 125 Millionen Euro costs. When the blessings of the ships were carried out, the Lithuania armed forces were placed by the German Truppen by the military rulers and the rokantiškės zur Verfügung; both lie ebenfalls in Umland von Vilnius. The literal Minister of Foreign Affairs established the infrastructure for the German brigade with a “priority” for control.(3)

Rechtlicher Rahmen

The fact that in September the „Stationierungsabkommen“ is the result of „the legal basis for the protection of the Bundeswehr“ and the soldiers’ families in Lithuania, the Defense Ministry mit.(4) It lays down, among other things, the Nutzungsrechte der Deutsche Armee and litauischen Militärstandorten fest, regulates the Truppenbeweg ungen of the Bundeswehr in Lithuania, the High Law of the German Military Police in the Lithuanian State Region defines its “geteilter Zuständigkeit” with Litauian Military Police (5) and regulates the fight against the German Soldiers and the family of the Litauian Alltagsleben – von der Gesundheitsversorgung über die Bildung en den Arbeitsmarkt bis hin zum Steuerrecht. Auch de Einrichtung deutscher Schulen und Kindergarten, Militärshops, Radiostations, Fahrschulen und Kantinen aret durch das Abkommen Rechtlich vorbereitet.(6) The Litauische Verteidigungsministerium spicht in diesem Zusammenhang of “military Zivilinfrastruktur”. The Abkommen und das noch in Arbeit befindliche “Artikelgesetz Zeitenwende” seien “wichtige Schritte” voor de Aufstellung der Lithuania-Brigade, erklärt Pistorius, der hofft, met de Abkommen “Anreize” voor de surrender van de German Soldieren und die Familien nach Lithuania geschaffen so haben.(7)

Aufträge für die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie

Neben dem Truppenübungsplatz entsteht in Lithuania a Munitionsfabrik von Rheinmetall. In April, a representative of the German government and the minister at issue for the Verteidigungspartnerschaft for Wirtschaft and Innovation conducted an investigation into further development. (8) The Lithuanian Rheinmetall-Standort became the “Verteidigungspartnerschaft” of Germany and Lithuania “weiter intensivieren”, erklarte Pistorius .( 9) Rheinmetall is no other German Rüstungsunternehmen used in the production of Panzers Leopard 2, the Lithuania is civilized – 50 Stück since im Gespräch. The background is that Vilnius commissioned one of the infantry divisions. The German rest industry has a major influence. The Leopard-Kampfpanzer is formed by the previous production of the German Waffenhersteller, which is sworn in during an attack by other Panzerhersteller-gerats – Poland and is abolished by the German Panzer US-American Abrams and the South Korean K2.(10)

A power politician Erfolg

Deutschland as ‘Guarantor’ of the Baltic States is ‘one of the most important allied Lithuania’, which the Litauste Defense Minister received before the press in May. Berlins Entscheidung, a Brigade in Lithuania zu stationieren, said Deutschland’s “herausragende Führung”. The Security Policy Actions of the Federal Government have a “critical” approach for Lithuania and for the Baltic government.(11) The Lithuania Brigade is in NATO’s role model; letztlich hänge sogar die Sicherheit des „Gesamten europäischen Kontinents“ von ihrer erolgreichen Aufstellung ab.(12) The fact that Vilnius sich ausdrücklich bei Deutschland für seine „Führung“ thanks, can as a legacy for the deutsche Machtpolitik gelten. Years later, Berlin used the conflict with Russia to establish a military leadership force in the Baltic states, which positions and turns NATO’s position inside out. Germany has a military influx into a certain region, which arose in the Zweiten Weltkrieg, which then has to sell again and will remain in the EU-Osterweiterung during the 1990s politically and economically expanded, a nun a military zurückzukehren. In a speech before the Lithuanian parliament, Pistorius declared the end of September and Germany after the Second World War; Damals loves the Grenze Swiss der NATO and Moscow Einflussspäre by Deutschland, how heute by the Ukraine verläuft. The Aufstellung der Litauen-Brigade is in the possession of Pistorius, “to whom we will do it” the end of the Kalten Krieges will have “come since”.(13)

More about the theme: Stützpunkt an der Ostflanke und Militärstützpunkt Litauen.

(1) Gemeinsame Verteidigung mit Litauen: „Meilenstein zur dauerhaften Stationierung einer Brigade“. Phoenix YouTube channel, 13.09.2024.

(2) Lithuania is ready for the arrival of the first German brigade troops. 20.03.2024.

(3) The first German brigade members arrived in Lithuania. 08.04.2024.

(4) Neues zur Brigade Litauen: Pistorius und Kasčiūnas zeichnen gemeinsames Abkommen. 13.09.2024.

(5) The commander of the first NATO-reinforced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group has returned to Lithuania to take command of the stationed German Brigade. 02.10.2024.

(6) Construction of a military campus for German Allies about to start in the Rūdninkai Training Area. 15.08.2024.

(7) Neues zur Brigade Litauen: Pistorius und Kasčiūnas zeichnen gemeinsames Abkommen. 13.09.2024.

(8) Lithuanian government institutions and the German Rheinmetall sign a Memorandum of Understanding on an ammunition production site in Lithuania. 16.04.2024.

(9) Pistorius’ speech before the Lithuanian parliament. Youtube channel of BTB concept, 26.09.2024.

(10) S. dazu Die Schlacht on the Panzermarkt.

(11) The German Brigade is a crucial part of NATO’s regional defense plans, says L. Kasčiūnas. 21.05.2024.

(12) Germany and Lithuania: Overcoming challenges to protect peace in Europe. 26.09.2024.

(13) Pistorius speech before the Lithuanian parliament. Youtube channel of BTB concept, 26.09.2024.

The original article can be researched here