
Close Program for Spitzen Candidates in Wahlkampf-Endspurt – Nationalratswahl

Close Program for Spitzen Candidates in Wahlkampf-Endspurt – Nationalratswahl

In one week the Spitzenkandidaten will use the Tage zum Stimmenfang.

In one week the Spitzenkandidaten will use the Tage zum Stimmenfang.

In the intestines of a Woche wählt Österreich the Nationalrat neu. It is a fact that the Candidates are neither diverse Wahlkampf-veranstaltungen und Medientermine.

After the ORF “Elefantenrunde” in the Donnerstag, the main part of the Freitag begins in the Wahlkampfabschluss. Were both of the National Councils at the Sonntag not ins Wahllokal gehen will, sonondern via Briefwahl wählen möchte, sollte sich etwas spputen.

Medialer Intensivwahlkampf for NR-Wahl

For everything in the midst of the intense fight, Zum Wochenauftakt is the FPÖ lead candidate Herbert Kickl at Guest on Radio – in the series “Ö3-Wecker Spezial”. I then follow the ORF TV duel of SPÖ lead candidate Andreas Babler (SPÖ) against NEOS chief Beate Meinl-Reisinger as ÖVP chief Karl Nehammer against FPÖ chief Herbert Kickl.

A further “Elephant Run” with all the lead candidates is assigned to the service of the program of private channel oe24.TV. I have started to follow a sequel to the “Ö3-Wecker Spezial”, the one with the SPÖ-Vorstendem Babler.

ÖVP chief Nehammer is scheduled to be a guest at Ö3-“Wecker”. I think the traditional “Elefantenrunde” in the ORF with the parliament’s lead candidates will be broadcast on the air.

Spitzen Candidates take note of the time for stimulation

Getting away from the screen and microphone can give you an extra boost. Am Montag presented with the KPÖ ihr “Friedensprogramm”, the list “Keine von denen” (Wandel) proposes a Plakat-Campagne. ÖVP-Generalsekretär Christian Stocker reports on a press conference (Title “Der Vergleich Kracht sicher: Stimuli für Bundeskanzler Karl Nehammer”). The Young Generation in the SPÖ (JG) provides an online guide to free menstrual products in Vienna.

My service then follows another media market. The Greens start a “Telefonaktion” with lead candidate Werner Kogler and present the Women’s Selection Program. The SPÖ organizes an action for the theme of Schwangerschaftsabbruch and the best immunization for an online medication for the “Safe Abortion Week”. The Beer Party speaks on the theme of “Zusammenhalt”.

I am the ÖGB-frauen “Ernsthafte Frauenpolitik jetzt!”, who helped the Grüne Justizministerin Alma Zadic in Burgenland and ex-NEOS chief Matthias Strolz in the Heimatbundesland Vorarlberg with the motto “Flügel heben” for his part ei.

Wahlkampfabschlüsse der Parteien zum Großteil schon am Freitag

The official Wahlkampfabschlüsse der Bundesweit Kandidierenden Quickly listen to all the Freitag for the Wahltag Abcontentn and gehen allesamt in de Bundeshauptstadt Wien über die Bühne. It is possible to have the ÖVP use the KPÖ. The People’s Party is formed by the form of the Parteizentrale in the Lichtenfelsgasse. The Communists are on the Platz in front of the Parliament as Ort für ihre Schlusskundgebung (11 Uhr) ausgewählt.

After the start of the FPÖ at 16 o’clock on the Wiener Stephansplatz in the final, zeitgleich said with the Grünen, the Maria-Thérèsien-Platz does not die even a little. The NEOS started in the Abschluss at 16 o’clock and went to the Freyung.

The beer party on the Platz der Menschenrechten in the Österreich Tour started at 5 p.m. Madeleine Petrovic’s list is a member of her partnership in the Wilhelm-Exner-Gasse. Auch de Liste “Keine von denen” (vormals Wandel) ended with a Freitag a Schlussveranstaltung ab, Uhrzeit and Ort were previous nor offen.

Samstag follows the Wahlkampfabschluss of the SPÖ. The Social Democrats will meet at 10 a.m. at Victor-Adler-Markt.

Deadlines for Wahlkarten later

Beilen sollten sich jene Wähler, died on 29. September niece in my “own” Wahllokal wählen können or wollen. If there is no Wahlkarte hat, this writing cannot be more like the Wahlsonntag furtragen. Mündlich (due to personal considerations to their sister community, i.e. to the Magistrat) was not yet free during the day.

In the mailboxes the read postcards will be displayed on September 28 at 9:00 am. Denn die Post has who the Samstag has received and loved for the Wahlkarten time justice ab. Alternatively, the Wahlkaart can come to the Wahlbehörde – on September 29 or on the Wahltag, and there will be a direct management at the Bezirkswahlbehörde – or the man will end up in Wahllokal, the woman can leave the complete Wahlkaart am or auch for Ort wählen kann.

If I am in Ausland, the postal route will take longer. Innerhalb Europas can lead a Wahlkarte to one of the most reichische Vertretungsbehörde abgeben. After all, it is time for the last day before the last day, before the start of the month (September 23). The European Economic Space Halb is ready to end on September 20.