
Porsche sells few cars from dpa-AFX

Porsche sells few cars from dpa-AFX

STUTTGART (dpa-AFX) – Porsche (ETR:) hat in the first new month of the years another way of changing China-Geschäfts weniger Sport- und Geländewagen-verkaufft. Weltweit wurden von January bis 226.026 September Fahrzeuge ausgeliefert, wie der Stuttgarter Autobauer mitteilte. It was performed in the Vorjahreszeitraum. Auch de Erneuerung Mehrerer Modelle Trug part of the sunken Verkaufszahlen bei.

Nach China would have started the first time in the first month of the previous month. Wesentlicher Grund is one of the longer term low in the country. After Porsche exported from North America, production started a year later. The Minus falls outside the year it starts, once the Auslieferung payments have been completed.

Neue Modelle brings Herausforderungen

Das Absatzminus war in Teilen erwartet zijn: Porsche work in diesem Jahr en seinem Angebot. New versions have been made of the Electric Sports Car Taycan, the Panamera and the fully electric Kompakt SUV Macan. Auch der Klassiker 911 is being refreshed. Start 2023 with the new Cayenne. The overarching models are complex and filled in a number of markets and models in the form of a bot, this is es.

The Kundennachfrage is removed after the Vertriebschef-detlev of the plates has been set to a robust level. Feedback about the new models is good. “We look forward to the end goal for the year 2024.”

Absatzplus in Europe

In Germany, the postponed Fahrzeuge are an eighth Prozent. In the rest of Europe, the purchase of external parts is more enjoyable for Volkswagen (ETR:) -Konzern gehört, rund ein Prozent more Autos. In the Oversee and Wachstumsmärkten – such as Africa, Latin America, Australia, Japan or Korea – we bet more than three.