
Wichtiger Job hinter den Kulissen: So Martina (51) started at the Deutschen Bahn durch | Employ

Über 300 000 Beschäftigte, 500 Berufe, 50 Ausbildungswege: Wer in Deutschland einen (neuen) Job sucht, kommt an der Deutschen Bahn nicht vorbei. Zumal das Unternehmen als einem es einem behärkt German Arbeitgeber Deutschlands Karrierechansen und Einstiegsmöglichkeiten etwa in de Lokführung sich in de Instandhaltung-bietet.

Would you like to carry out maintenance if you take the time to work at the Bahn? So who does Martina (51), who as an Electronics Team with a dedicated team, stops a whole Bahnhof at Laufen: “I am happy to be able to work on the road and work in a single country.” responsible and safer jobder mir jeden Tag Freude bereitet. I can’t help myself now, I can cope with both of the Bahn. For me it is about 100 percent higher, the mir in the meiner Laufbahn here the chance fell on boats, says Martina.

In her job, Martina is there for all problems – when she works in the Bahnhof, it is to Stelle as quickly as possible. Own initiative and self-reliance are inescapable

Aufzüge, Rolltreppen, Transformer-Stations: Wenn is at the Bahnhof irgendwo clampmt, ist Martina zur Stelle

Photo: DB/Constanze Wolk

“It is natural that there is no job that involves machine work here,” the more sophisticated electrical engineering is taken into account. “The Verantwortung, the tragedy, is enormous. We work here, but we must wait and function.” Since 2019, Martina has been working with new electrical installations and also heating-washing-sanitary-installers for the 185,000 quadratmeter railway – with 54 Fahrtreppen, as well as Panorama – and more than 40 others. They are also available in new transformer stations, power supply units and fire extinguishers, as well as unused fire detectors and lighting systems – also in around 80 Bahnhofs-Shops.

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A label herausforderung is for Martina that long way in the Bahnhof: “A manchen Tagen hat man da schon mal 16,000 Schritte auf dem Zähler.” For everything, if you want to play the action, you can do it quickly. If Martina and her colleagues are fragmented, people can feel free to perform Brandauslosungen per hand brought by hand.

In fact, the information on the DB-Nachwuchs is fragmented: Since 2021, Martina is a Fachvermittlerin for one of the three Azubis in her team: “My power is Spaß, my knowledge is more important. If I think it is all so difficult, then it is the young age that I have seen here.”

Was Martina especially important in Job?

“I have a great team here, with whom we could really travel here. If so, it could be a self-inflicted act. That is in my job totally gegeben, ohne Eigeninitiative geht es nicht“, says Martina, who her Ausbildung ebenfalls bei der Deutschen Bahn power.

So come Sie mit ins Team DB

The Deutsche Bahn has such a new Deutschlandweit Mitarbeitende für über 500 verschiedene Berufe. Soul: Die Bahn noch ein Stück besser machen! We are attractive, creative, like a new, exciting adventure, that is also possible Facharbeiter for Electrical Engineering zur Deutschen Bahn kommen.

Bewerber sollten abgeschlossene Ausbildung in a handwerk Beruf with electronic or electrical Hintergrund haben. Schicht- en Wechseldienst sollten für Manager being self-reliant, having your own initiative and self-reliance are inescapable.

Larger Konzern, Vale Möglichkeiten: Mechatronikers können at the Railroad in the workplace or in the Bahnhof Work

Larger Konzern, Vale Möglichkeiten: Mechatronikers können at the Railroad in the workplace or in the Bahnhof Work

Photo: DB

Good Elektroniker was still used by the Deutschen Bahn

Good Elektroniker was still used by the Deutschen Bahn

Photo: DB

Do you want to get a new job as an electronics engineer at the Deutschen Bahn? Then bewerben Sie itself but one day here!

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