
Langzeitlose in Arbeit: Zur Not auch mit „Arsch hoch-Prämie”

Langzeitlose in Arbeit: Zur Not auch mit „Arsch hoch-Prämie”

Langzeitlose in Arbeit: Zur Not auch mit „Arsch hoch-Prämie”

„We are born with all our labor“: according to the regulation, there is a framework for the long-term labor decisions.
Photo Alliance

The regime has a Prämie for long-term decisions, it is buying, whoever owns work will live.

Politiker der Union finds that absurd. “Image” conveys the idea of ​​an “Arsch-hoch-Prämie”. Politiker der Ampel is one of the leaders of the Chief of the Bundesagentur for Arbeit.

It’s not that it is. Der Übergang von statlicher Fürsorge in Arbeit ist extrem wichtig, heikel – en in Deutschland nicht gelöst. It seems like the idea hints that the Prämie will materialize.

I am political and Pulverfass Berlin is the manche Zündschnur long. Anfang July hatte de Ampel-Koalition ihr Wachstumspaket beschloss. It is a great experience to lose more time in the work that brings you. If you put some of the sanctions on the citizen’s money, this will be done. It’s one of the other pages that happened a while ago: a price for long-term losses, if you buy something, whoever likes your own property.

First final experience: nevermind.

Three monate später kamen de Vorschläge nun ins Kabinett. The Regierung beschloss de schärferen Sanktionen und de “Anschubprämie” auch offiziell. Bei Ablehnung einer Beit müssen Bürgergeld-Empfänger with höheren Strafen rechnen. Please note that a minimum of 1000 euros will be paid for a long period of time, if you earn an existing income from your property for a year.

Jetzt followed the political explosion.

CDU General Carsten Linnemann told the “absurd” Vorstellung that his promises would disappear if only they were put on trial. Signal CSU leader Martin Huber speaks of “blankem Hohn”. “Bild” shows the label “Arsch-hoch-Prämie”. In most cases, the politicians of the Ampelparteien SPD, Grüne and FDP are abated from the Vorschlag. A sense of unity in Parliament is vulnerable.

Andrea Nahles, head chef of the Federal Agency for Labor, is sad. “These prämie brauchen wir nicht, um unseren Job zu machen”, said they of the “Wirtschaftswoche”. It is a brand name, we will let the Grundidee a Anschubhilfe come out of his house. Darauf kommen wir später zurück.

Ins Kabinett brought SPD Labor Minister Hubertus Heil die Prämie. We discussed everything with the finger of Foreign Minister Robert Habeck von den Grünen. We need to think for once, the man who robs the Prämie with the SPD and the FDP. Habeck makes everything in a different way from his origin, where an Anschubhilfe is a waste of his strength, or perhaps of the Fachleute.

One of the experts on the Arbeitsmarkt Enzo Weber from the Institute for Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. The IAB is the Federal Agency for Labor Research, also by Andrea Nahles. Weber had a study completed in June. Title: “Eine Anschubhilfe im Bürgergeld könnte die Erwerbsanreize erheblich stärken.” The problem is that the Labor Insurance is often attractive for Empfänger of Bürgergeld. More has been said about the fact that the Anreize has done its job. This is the model of a Prämie. (Weber schlägt aber keine Details from 1000 Euro). Below the description there is talk of an Anschub-insgesamt for all Beteiligten Lohnt – also for the Sozialstaat.

Weighty and tricky: The Border between Social Transfer and Arbeitseinkommen

The core is that a company is a Volkswirtschaft that knows what the company looks like: the overarching social economy and the labor market. The modern State sees it as the duty of existence as a minimum for citizens. In Germany this is the case in the Verfassung. You will be happy with your social security during your travels, and with your health care you will be happy.

In the Arbeit der Jobcenter there is a Bildung and Unterstützung of Arbeitsuchenden. In Gesetzen it is a Sanktionen, when Arbeitslose Angebote is able. I really believe that it is for the Arbeitslose one of the fragments, it was with my own passion, when I had an Arbeitsange clash. It was a matter of Lohn and Gehalt, when the social issues fell away. This effect with the fachbegriff transfer rate is very heavy. A problem with unloading is kaum.

It is so nice that it is no longer the case financially, when the professional practices are higher than the citizen’s money. The debate has begun, but the level of citizen dues is not moral, but practical. If the new professional practices are higher than the citizen’s money, it is worth taking care of the transfers often. Vom Arbeitseinkommen gehen bis zu 80 Prozent des Wegfalls von Leistungen who lost their Bürgergeld wieder. In the Wirkung it is a Steuersatz of 80 Prozent on a Gehaltserhöhung.

Um gegenzusteuern, könnte die Anrechnung von Arbeitseinkommen auf Sozialleistungen belockert. If the money deserves it, the citizen’s money is not completely ruined. The work environment was more rewarding. If you spend the night, it is time to invest longer in the citizen’s money.

The anschubprämie is the largest road. If you lose the long term, you will first lose your Bürgergeld if you are eligible for it. You can earn for a year with a personal contribution of a few euros, which amounts to approximately 1000 euros. Habeck dies so damned that the transfer of the transfer is carried out. If an error occurs first and it is not malicious, then it is not.

An “Arsch hoch-Prämie” can be a shame

Man can feel an “Arsch hoch-Prämie”. If there is an “Arsch-hoch-Prämie”, a Society can earn its money if man has more people in the Arsch-kriegen. Kanzler Olaf Scholz said that he was like this at TV-Sender RTL: “I personally enjoy the Theory Valer Leute nicht, that’s the man who works hard. We are happy, since all our work is born.” That is not the case now. “Deshalb ist de Frage: Wie kriegen wir das geändert?” Het Antwort der Ampel lautet: With the Peitsche hearter Sanktionen, aber auch with the Zuckerbrot der Prämie.


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Could it be that the state has a problem, money that you can earn, or that the Arbeitslose wieder Arbeiten? If you take the time, Habecks should take the time to go to work. “All of us, we can save the labor loss worth 100,000 people,” said the minister. That’s not very encouraging.

De Zahl thought he was in the text of IAB-Forscher Weber. There are many examples of simulations by Kerstin Bruckmeier and Jürgen Wiemers. The problem has been investigated with the title: “Neuregulation of the Hinzuverdienstmöglichkeiten für Transferbeziehende: keine leichte Aufgabe”.

There is a good chance that a new arrangement of 100,000 long-term payments will be introduced in the Arbeit. De Zahl no longer sees it in the previous Prämie. If you see a model that is at the beginning of the end bowls, the citizen money is not that high. Then a similar Erwerbstätigkeit of up to 100,000 persons would be achieved. The Forscher argumentation can be a trap for a Belohnung of the Wiederaufnahme von Arbeit.

Prices for the job creation: For the Steuerzahler ein lohnendes Geschäft

In principle, the Rechnung is simple: “If Bürgergeld-Empfänger bedarfsdeckende Jobs aufnehmen, entfällt die Sozialleistung”, said etwa Weber at Image”. Der Staat reserve pro Fall more than 25,000 Euro in a year. Gelänge is also, with a besseren Gestaltung der Anreize im Übergang from Transferzahlungen to Arbeitseinkommen 100.000 Menschen aus dem Bürgergeld in Arbeit, würde die the State jährlich um 2.5 Billiarden Euro entlasten. 10,000 amounts can be earned with a value of 250 million euros.

The price of 1000 euros in the form of a form can have an effect, and whoever is bigger is not worth more. The planted Prämie nutze “vielleicht nicht”, said Scholz at RTL. “Aber damen tut es auch nicht weiter.”

Das Ziel, more long-term improvement in work, is undisputed. If there are no sanctions, qualification and analysis of the results of the analysis of the Arbeitsaufnahme, unintended problems may arise. An “Arsch-hoch-Prämie” shouldn’t have a bad idea. Weber puts it this way: “Justice is, work is done.”

The video with Habeck’s approval for prämie can be found here.

Enzo Weber’s study can be found here:

Die Studie von Bruckmeier and Wiemers can be found here:

A study in the government ministries of the transfer councils can be found here.


Mini-Minus: However, there is still a smaller path to economic development with greater follow-up. Economics Minister Robert Habeck.

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