
Dortmund will lower Drogenszene – and started Versuch

Dortmund will lower Drogenszene – and started Versuch

The factory in Stadt Dortmund, the Drogenszene aus der Innenstadt will be processed – and a start is being made: A learning area in Gelände will now be served as a new Aufenthaltsbereich.

Die Stadt Dortmund will die dryer than the inner city. The background of the Verlegung is the zunehmende Anzahl-bettelnder, often crack-like people in the Innenstadt. Gewerbeibende und Anwohner der Innenstadt can use the aggressive stories to make a diversification of the Drogenhilfe-gefordert.

There is no question of an Ausweichstandort for the Drogenkonsumraum “kick” financing. But OB Thomas Westphal (SPD) can now use an active Fläche on Ecke Martinstraße / Ecke Grafenhof as an Aufenthalts area for the reorientation of woolen wool. “The Kapazitätsgrens des Konsumraumes sind deutlich überschRITen”, said Oberbürgermeister Thomas Westphal at the departure service. Dies führe zu den bekannten Beschwerden aus der Nachbarschaft der Einrichtung.

If OB is concrete, then the project is completely different. The concern of the Konsumraumes is bundled in the maßnahme. Some of the versions that exist and that increase the Bereich feeling can do maximum justice to the Fläche through the individuality of the Fläche when viewed from a perspective. Die Fläche soll bis Ende des Jahres regerichtt sein. OB Westphal concretes: “Soul is a new place for the Drogenkonsumraum to find.”

If you want to find some statistics, this is not clear. The Verwaltung has its own Angaben zufolge inzwischen more dutzend Möglichkeiten geprüft. One of the alternatives was no longer included in the Fraktionen discussion.

If a city and police struggle with a problem for a year, a problem is solved. The strategy: strengthen efforts and opportunities for such credit and home loans. The Dortmund Police Chief Gregor Lange has said the mass “eine sehr hohe Wirkung” said, which is a bilanzierte service. It is clear that politics has not been resolved in the struggle.