
DGB Power Druck at Entgelttransparenz | 21.08.24

DGB Power Druck at Entgelttransparenz | 21.08.24

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) is providing for more einsatz for an equal payment of men and women in the job. “The Federal Government is a year after the serious evaluation of the transparent Entgelt-transparenzgesets that meet the same rules: The women in that country have earned it”, says the retiring DGB-Vorsitzende Elke Hannack of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin.

By the transparent and transparent design of a company that a few years ago had a desire, was another decision with more possibilities in its operating profit. So the Bezahlung with the Lohn von Kollegen of the other Geschlechts will be done and by the Transparenz a Print to the Abolition of Gehaltsunterschieden entstehen.

Law does not work

For a year (August 23, 2023) you have received a message from the Federal Government regarding the effectiveness of the law’s unreasonable results: The regulation could be used, among other things, we will be affected by a situation that can be influenced by the previous situation the Gutachter des Berichts fest. Family Minister Lisa Paus (Grüne) has written a new story.

If the DGB goes further, the European Entgelttransparency Directive in national rights will become a fact. These enthalte German translations. “If the theme of the Sankt Nimmerleinstag is changed, the Federal Government will not be ultimately active,” said Hannack.

Laut Statistical Federal Office deserves a Frauen 2023 in Schnitt 18 Prozent weniger pro Stunde als Manner – wegen oft niedriger bezahlter Berufe, mehr Teilzeit or der unterchiedlicher Karrierestufen. Please note that the results were more accurate 6 Prozent weniger./jr/DP/stk