
Skrupellose Kryptomasche: Donald Trump takes the “Drecksack des Internets”

Skrupellose Kryptomasche: Donald Trump takes the “Drecksack des Internets”

Skrupellose Kryptomasche
Donald Trump packs with his “Drecksack des Internets”

Von Hannes Vogel

After Bibeln, Sammelkarten und Truth Social kassiert Donald Trump met fans nun mit seiner eigenen Krypto-Börse ab. Die Anleger-Falle hat nicht nur zwielichte Hintermänner. Especially if there is damage to the height of the Ebene.

If Donald Trump goes to the “Pro-Bitcoin-Präsident” during the summer at a Krypto-Messe in Nashville, lies and talks, the US goes to the “Krypto-Hauptstadt der Wereld” with his machen, if he wants the Republikaner with them Auftritt for all Wählerstimmen together. In 2019, Bitcoin is not classified as “unreguliert”, “heiße Luft” and Einfallstor for “Drying Trade and Other Critical Activities”. Although far-right tech moguls like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have had their greatest success, Bitcoin’s big fans have come to have the ex-president on their token format.

Trump talked to other people after seeing a Krypto-Beirat in the White House and winning a strategic Bitcoin Reserve. When it is clear, there is no longer any question of Wählerpotenzial in the Krypto-Szene and the Wohlergehen of the US-Wirtschaft in sin. There may be an attack on your own money handler.

When Trump threw himself into the Krypto-Zug, the money is his power. With a company that has launched its own platform: World Liberty Financial. It won’t be long before the Money Destroyer for the Fans of Make America Great Again (übersetzt: Mach Amerika wieder großartig, kurz: MAGA) will be here. With the investments in Krypto-Business it would become even clearer, while Trump was in a Netz financing conflict with a complicated vision, which would continue in the fall, but the day when American democracy would be taxed would not last longer.

Trump’s March on the White House will take longer than now before the problem arises. Who is at Verkauf von Bibeln, digital Sammelkarten (NFTs) and the Aktien are social networks Truth Social representation of the ex-president as a skrupelloser, his political comeback capital for schlagen and the state of his power.

Zwei “Krypto-Punks” makes bald deals with the White House

If the offensive fragmentary underlying report has appeared, the hat of the “New York Times” (NYT) has been cleaned up. Managed with World Liberty Financial by Chase Herro and Zachary Folkman, who spent two light years, dying in recent years boosting the financing of the underlying economy. Fast two Dutzend Firmen in Steueroasen in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are established.

Herro is an online processor, a comprehensive e-commerce expert and can choose the “Drecksack” himself
des Internets”. There are roads that can be changed, that they can be used for a living complaint and a signal company can be used. Steuerschulden hat there is auch. 2021 trat there in a Podcast with a report on the title: “Of the Pleite zum Millionär in 14 Days “. A year later, a Krypto-Seminar took place in the house of Jordan Belfort, the best bet with “Wolf of Wall Street”.

Folkman has a company name for Date Hotter Girls, because there is a pseudonym and a bezahlung tip, who scams man in bars. “Ihr was the Klamotten vom Leib reißen and sie gegen die Wand werfen”, is spoken as in a Seminar. Gemeinsam both sucked in a luxury villa in the Karibik and gründeten Firmen, the different roads that interest credit card debts and can be sold from their skills.

A vermeintlicher Anmach-Experte and a self-proclaimed Mistkerl are now an official Geschäftspartner of one of the most evil American presidents. Angeblich wants to start a digital finance revolution with Trump. It’s about rebuilding the technical and financial know-how you need. Not the power of Trump’s Platform, not different from everyone else’s Krypto-Börsen auch. While Macher himself can make a glauben, who has a bit of his own Trump’s Orbit history: “Wenn man for each other thought he, is Donald Trump a financial project for Stapel lässt, were he glaubt?”, Folkman himself phrased on Launch der Platform . “Besonders with two Krypto-Punks,” said the moderator.

A Gelddruckmaschine with Regierungslizenz

“Das is a high-flyer and a prime location for the whole world,” warned John Reed Stark, one of the top officials at the US-Börsenaufsicht SEC, in the “NYT”. There is no question yet: Trump’s new policy is an issue for democracy. Anyway, the fact is that the white house is one of the things and it is its own property of the land.

There is a problem, the State Secretary and the Geschäftsmann are in one person, politics and profits are poisoned, no matter how much Trump gets bigger. While in the first American period the abstract summary of the American economy existed, it involved an American diplomats in the Washingtoner Hotel, a state-owned company in Mar-A-Lago, free promotion for golf clubs or Milliarden-Investments of Saudi Arabia for Schwiegersohn’s Jared Kushner Hedge Fund.

Diesmal is an attack on the national debt. Trump was never the first president with his own middle empire, his life about the Truth Social ungestört could be spread. The cost of money was used for money printing machines with control measures. While Trump spoke at the Messe in Nashville in the main hall, crypto-critical SEC chief Gary Gensler of the party. For example, Trump has won the Wahl, who no longer wants to make the profitable industry, but his own company. The American president would look after his financial interests more than a self-appointed regular.