
Factory in Poland for Aussetzung des Asylrechts – Politik Ausland

Factory in Poland for Aussetzung des Asylrechts – Politik Ausland


Polnian Regional Chief Donald Tusk left for Belarus, ahead of Russia, with migrants from his country. There are now radical solutions for this.


The political direction of Donald Tusk with his Czech colleague Petr Fiala. (Archive image) Photo: Barbora Vizváryová/TASR/dpa

Quelle: Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
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Warsaw (dpa) – Poland will die illegally Migration is bordering on and that the Right to Asylum will continue to exist. It is one of the elements of a new migration strategy, as stated by the liberal conservative Regierungschef Donald Tusk of the Nachrichtenagentur PAP Zufolge in Warsaw. “I became the Anerkennung dieser Entscheidung in Europa einfordern.” Details are not true.

On part of the concrete plant of the Bürgerkoalition (KO), the state of the 100-percent controls that carry out the zurückgewin-müsse, Poland would come and in the einreise of the EU Mitgliedstaat. Russian presidents Wladimir Putin and Belarusian power Alexander Lukashenko have ended up in their countries with the urge to migrate. He says “in the broader circle of Asyl rights”.

“We will reduce illegal migration to Poland at a minimum,” Tusk said. The new migration strategy will freeze the government’s service. In the context of the EU migration package, Tusk will have one of the European ideas or some woolen ideas, which will increase the security of the countries. Konkret work is not possible here.

The information regarding the Donnerstag that the Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has been informed, that Poland has received Best Immunization for the Verschärfen Verschärfen. Künftig became a small opaque path for the beschleunigde Erteilung an Visas more geben, such as Sikorski. The EU and NATO Country Poland see that the Konsequenz is a corrupt practice at the Visavergabe under the früheren national conservative PiS-Regierung, which governed the Country from 2015 to 2023.

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