
Major criticism of VW-Entscheidung – Auto-Kongress offers more technology openness

Major criticism of VW-Entscheidung – Auto-Kongress offers more technology openness

With the factory in Mosel and the Chemnitzer Motorenwerk, Kretschmer sees VW in Saxony as a whole. Much of the criticism is that economics politics has become “a trivial matter”. Man brauche Klarheit und Verlässlichkeit, gerade auch mit Blick auf de Energieprijs. It is safe for the stumbling trip or the employment clauses. Credit ratings of the Abschaffung der Kaufprämie für Elektroautos von heute auf morgen. Das zerstöre Vertrauen. The State Government under the transformation of the automotive industry says Kretschmer: “Aber es must faster gehen bei Energieprijs or Ladeinfrastruktur, der Staat sich zurücknehmen, Prioritäten setzen.”

There are many technologies and innovations in the future, which increases the chance. The description of a technology “is certainly a failure,” says Kretschmer. “We need the opportunity, the breadth.” It is finally the case that the consumer, not the state, decides, “who will decide or with which cars we drive.”

Car manufacturer offers more attractiveness for electric vehicles and more free time

Generally speaking, the major player is unsichert, such as Petra Peterhänsel, Vorstandsvorsitzende des Automotive Cluster Ostdeutschland, the common Aktionsplattform der Automobilhersteller, Zulieferer and Dienstleister active in Ostdeutschland. It is more attractive for the use of electrical equipment and more free time for the unternehmen. “Wir fordern von europäischen und deutschen Entscheidern more Technology offenheit, weniger Regularien, Stabilität and Planbarkeit both de Energy costs,” says Peterhänsel. It is the market of the East German car and dairy industry.