
Heidi Klum: “Germany’s Next Top Model was so much more”

Heidi Klum: “Germany’s Next Top Model was so much more”

If Heidi Klum has been busy for a while for a year. A conversation in the fashion sector, the sick of children and their Wurzeln.

For more than 30 years, in the year 1992, Heidi Klum stood in the background in the Rampenlicht and after the Jahren Laufsteg-Pauze he saw at the “Le Défilé” show of L’Oréal Paris in zurück.

Der stern hat Heidi Klum hit a Tag for his Comeback. But the Supermodel no longer works. It’s a bit exciting when you’re sitting on the couch in a hotel room. If you have a long haircut, your hair and your make-up. If you look, I still want to drink something. Schnell comes into a conversation with his heart about his children’s and fashion business, his work and “Germany’s Next Top Model”, while he will get to know us…

Frau Klum, Sie haben zwei Töchter. In Zeiten von Female Empowerment: Welchen Rat sollte man Mädchen en Frauen unbedingt with den Weg geben?
Female empowerment starts in childhood. Man sollte von Anfang and ein gewisses Selbstbewusstsein sein vermitteln. Meine Töchter has gotten a little bit of a positive feeling. Things from my heart. So Einfach, I’m Alltag. Of course it is true that it is absurd. It is important that Selbstliebe and Selbstbewusstsein auch vorzuleben.

Who is there as a woman, don’t you want to buy?
My final test is 20 years and more on the Arbeitsmarkt. I have a good feeling: if you don’t want it, if you don’t want it, if you want it, if you don’t want it, if you don’t want it, it’s completely in order, but it’s abzulehnen. It is important that you do not think that you are a woman and that you are in this Geschäft. This is one of the most important things for Jungs. I would rather not look at my daughter otherwise.

Was Ihnen bei der Erziehung difficult?
I have suffered for eight days of my childhood manners and manners being treated in such a way that they were worked out on their own. Jede Person has a high density, man is just someone who does something slightly different, while he is another person, while he is another person, who doubts. Aber auch hier ist separated, man was forlebt. If man is his own, it is not the case that it is a mirror and a miracle, as I said.

Was you happy, happy, happy with your children?
Von nichts kommt nichts. When you see, who is all but a hut, work and four children’s großziehen. When you see how things went – while buying house or hinting at the Hunden-aufraeume at the bottom, it was a failure. It may be that there is a decent and normal life. When you are grilling, you can enjoy your friends. It’s a miracle. If you have a house, you will hang with your friends. Unser Haus ist Kein Museum. Man sits down on the couch.

What about the Hunde?
When you sit on the couch, you see that it is not really woolly. If you buy it, it is a secret draufzuschleichen. In addition to Uschi, who quetscht sich dazwischen, egal wie wenig Platz. The canines won’t give Tom the Hunde at all, but it’s a fact – what matters. Jetzt liebt ersie. It’s a year and four months long. See also in der Rabauken-Zeit. Rich little teenager, aber sehr süß.

Zurück zum Thema Female Empowerment, that cannot be otherwise. Was bedeutet dieser Begriff für Sie?
If a woman had no one for her, it would be some kind of tragedy, whether Job would be fooled while we were together or in essence was fooling around – it was always something we could do, but we had to dare. Under the impression that the woman has suffered an incurable life, it is no longer possible to do anything. Here in the Veranstaltung of L’Oréal Paris, the woman of the world comes together, from young to old, and will be one of the best high fives. Darum geht es. There is a symbol for all women of the Draußen. If we agree on something, it means that all women agree with us and join our search.

It must be clear. Who is a woman in the world when Heidi Klum walks the catwalk for the opera in Paris?
Ich glaube, es gibt Frauen in de Fünfzigern, die sagen könnten: “Oh yes, die Klum power ihr Ding, auch mit 51 – so bin ich auch.” Or maybe you find Helen Mirren, who is in a position of power here, and thinks: “So powerful man that is at the end of 70.”

Or Jane Fonda with 86…
I met Jane before Kurzem, the war is big. If your child has been to war, it probably will. If the war is so friendly and a self-confident woman, who is concerned with various achievements and desires, she can express herself.

You may be a little bothered by the well-being of the world. Was it connecting with the tomorrow’s Walk on the Laufsteg, der jedes Jahr an einem others Ort ist?
These years last for the Paris Opera and last until the show stands under the Eiffel Tower. It is an iconic Orte, where people on the road could see it. Normally people take “a few pictures at the time or when it is filmed”. Obviously, auch here it is a loaded guest and a first voyage – it is nothing more than a loaded guest. The event is facet richer. And that happened.

The modeling industry has had a great time, in Sachen Feminism and the Diversity of its education. Don’t you want to hear my opinion anymore?
Yes, definitely. Auch ich mit meiner Show “Germany’s next top model.” When a man sees the shows that I have had for 20 years, I would not be able to do anything more. If I ever find myself in a war and I don’t know what it is, it should be a party. If a man has skied in Dessous, he dares to prevent cellulite. So war is bad. Aber jetzt is ok, share and the waiters will do it, and it can be. If you have spent all the years over time, this is not the case and it is in the Ordnung. I think GNTM has found the Marken in the Sachen Diversität-voraus.

Was meinen Sie damned?
There are a few new Plus-Size models available in the fashion industry, which most people are seeing in rotation, and the war is on with diversity. I don’t think it could happen again – it could be received and traded.

If you notice the claim, in case you have seen the Laufsteg, “Weil ich es mir waart bin”. Is it a moment where you can no longer see Heidi Klum and do a few things?
Ich glaube, dieses “Ich bin es mir wert” -Gefühl tragedy ich schon seit meiner Kindheit in mir. I was not the best in the school, but I was good in other things. I did my best to make my life last. And once it did, the war became a general war. Meine Eltern had a disinterested and anxious experience, I would be impressed that it was a great habit. If it is glazed, it is a matter of a Selbstwertgefühl. Other falls have affected some couples who have been affected by other encounters…

Gab es Momente in Ihrer Karriere, wed Ihr Selbstwertgefühl properly tested?
I have a girl who has seen Karriere, I am such a dick, and I have some pills, a wonderful appetite and an abzunehmen. It is not authorized. If in that moment I am at the moment that Selbstwertgefühl gehabt hätte, hätte I fellleicht gesagt: “Oh wirklich? Ok, gebt sie mir.” If it no longer works, the inner betrayal will occur. It is so important that this self-consciousness and self-sufficiency are important.

What about a weibliches Vorbild in Ihrem Leben?
Auf jeden autumn. Die Menschen um mich herum: Meine Mutter and furthermore my Großmutter Leni. My first step is after my happiness.

Was hat Ihre Grossmutter ausgezeichnet?
Meine Großmutter Leni had lost his man in war. If the jitters arise, it is worth taking a childishly large amount – from the leader of a particular issue. If you see the bombings, as you are in the Keller, you will have a wonderful home experience. Nur die Nähmaschine blieb übrig. When I was Eltern in Urlaub, there was often war, and it would be a lie.

Was hat sie Ihnen nor delivered?
See what happened to me. Zum Beispiel, whoever bought a remains in the Kühlschrank, received a new Lebensmittel for purchasing. From now on, you can enjoy traditional German prepared food, Kartoffelsalat, Knödel, Sauerkraut and Bohnensuppe.

What is the war with your personal opinion?
The warfare is tough and cool. They keep no car and no Führerschein, and also start working with the Fahrrad, with their hints. Sie spent my week at Schule, where my Eltern was in Asia or where there were two other roads.

Abschließend nor a weighty Frage: Was ist Ihr Beauty Secret?
A positive attitude. Of course, it is good that you are concerned about drinking and washing water. These things will help you in the fall. If all goes well, the man can set up the installation of his life. Man can see, if you have to start a war or a war for a long time, or? Also ich glaube schon. That reflects itself more broadly in Gesichtern.