
GDL fordert Ende der Trassenpreiskrise

Who has the German Lokomotivführer in a press conference, the Federal Government with the Own Kapitalerhöhungen for the Deutsche Bahn AG now for a sustainable Entlastung organization, the long-term damage for the joint Eisenbahn system is aimed. “We are urgently and unprepared to look into the financing of the railway infrastructure so that we can build on our own capital needs to improve construction costs,” says the German Locomotive Manager (GDL) Mario Reiß. Auch für die Wettbewerbsbahnen im Schienengüterverkehr (SGV), which on the mornings Netz-fahren, seien the Folgen.

Equity capitalization for problems

Credit financing from DB InfraGO AG has higher transaction prices and increased tax and subsidy obligations, i.e. the GDL. From December 2024, the Trassenpreise for the Schienenpassenverkehr will increase to 17.7 Prozent and for the SGV to 16.2 Prozent – before 2025 a man could receive the GDL Anstiege von bis 50 Prozent. “The benefits of the individual traffic of the railways in Germany are not affected by the GDL”, thus Mario Reiß. We read from the GDL, when the Foreign Minister Volker Wissing has the enormous support of the Trassenprijs through an absence of equity capital on 2.3 percent of the shares, there is an overview of the Trassenpreisbremse for the SPNV – on the Preiserhöhungen of 35 percent for long-distance and goods transport, the 14-fold increase in road transport prices was a matter of course. “The infrastructure of the infrastructure will be continued for years to come in the long term and it is no longer the case that a stable and financial structure of the economy will develop, the climate-political situation that the market will reach will eventually no longer work and the private railway transport companies will not be used. The Federal Government will put an end to the financial political tricks of infrastructure financing. We are looking forward to a successful and long-lasting Nutzungsfähigkeit angelegten Infrastrukturfonds and inheritance orderliche Baukostenzuschüsse statt Eigenkapitalerhöhungen!”

A solution proposal

A loan for the Trassenpreiskrise of the European Network of European Railroads with the Entwickelt Eisenbahnsektor, and the GDL supporter: Dafür solle a kurze Anhebung der Trassenpreisförderung in Bundeshaushalt 2025 with 350 Million Euro a Trassenpreisschock . Daraufhin is the best immung in the Eisenbahnregulierungsgesetz (ERegG), on the DB InfraGO for the higher Gewinnansprüche-stützt (Anlage 4 of § 37 ERegG, Abschnitt 5.1), developed until 2026, into a new Trassenpreissystems-stable Rahmenbedingungen for the Schienen verkehr chaffe . Here the utility costs for the Federal Railroad Act must be incurred for the jewels of the annual festivities – as in the Straßengüterverkehr, i.e. the Redemption Sanction. Demnach received a hidden billion-dollar profit overview and statistics on a transparent “Effizienzzuschlag” act.

Background information on the topic:

Trassenpreise sollen um 19 Prozent steigen