
Football-EM: Österreich starts with 58:3-Sieg in Ungarn

Football-EM: Österreich starts with 58:3-Sieg in Ungarn

The sides in the Budapester Kincsem Park will face four times with three touchdowns for the AFBÖ team, Tobias Bonatti, Yannick Mayr and quarterback Nico Hrouda were in the end zone of the winter. Mayr took a nap before the break.

In the second half of the year, Richard Weber, Julian Kapellari, Johannes Schütz and Florian Wegan made the Touchdowns wait again. “I was extremely stressed, who had the Jungs durchzoet and ni inen Zweifel daran gelassen haben, was the better Team on the Field ist. I am stollen darauf, the Team Österreich heute so played hat, who Team Österreich play muss”, meinte Sommer nach der Side.