
Jahrhundertprojekt in Hollabrunn: Der Schulcampus is a beautiful piece

Jahrhundertprojekt in Hollabrunn: Der Schulcampus is a beautiful piece

After a good plan and a large debt burden, the new debt campus in Hollabrunn is now gone. The modern Bildungsstandort is a Platz for beef 600 Schüler and umfasst 20 Volksschulklasses, eleven Sonderschulklasses, schulische Nachmittagsbetreuung, Musikschule and a Dreifachturnhalle.

On the Dach campus there is a photovoltaic installation of 700 kWp. | Photo: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

HOLLABRUN. The first plans for the Schulcampus that took place in 2020, with the Soul, a Bildungsstätte zu procure, the modern pädagogische Ansätze unterstützt. Der Bau started schließlich in May 2022 and two years later, in September 2024, the Schüler was able to continue his education in the new Räumlichkeiten.

The library is ready to be used. | Photo: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

A more modern Lernort for bed and breakfast

The campus consists of separate Gebäudeteilen, the sogenannten Clustern. Jeder Cluster is a class that spends the years in a central marketplace, a Freizeiträume and an Außenbereich in the Innenhof, who do the Räumlichkeiten hell and friendly business. So the guilty plea is a violation and a very clear Lernort plea.

Dreifachturnhalle for that Schüler. | Photo: Alexandra Goll

Ein Zuhause für Bildung und Freizeit

The campus covers the Volksschule and the Sonderschule and the combined music school is introduced to the schulische nachmittagsbetreuung. A large Dreifachturnhalle is for the Schulsport zur Verfügung. The Aula serves as a central meeting point for academic and secondary school activities and major changes.

Der Unterricht in der Musikschule | Photo: Karin Bauer

Gemeinsame Synergien Nutzen

An annual project has been realized for Hollabrunn with this Schulcampus. The investment costs are approximately 40 million euros.

“I have become a new School Campus, our Schools are now together. The synergies of all schools were optimally utilized and a more modern, more orientated environment is possible.”

is Bürgermeister Alfred Babinsky überzeugt.

Architekturfoto Außenansicht | Photo: Kurt Kuball

Nachhaltiger Bau und Betrieb des Campus

HOLLABRUN. The debt campus used in a combination of various construction requirements is aimed at: the best turn in the complete swänden, whereby the stabilizing core cores of the steel concrete are fertigated. The preceding period makes Holz an exciting, lively and exciting atmosphere. For the Heiz- and Kühltechnik bowls Tiefenbohrungen zum Einsatz, which are combined with a Fußbodenheizungssystem. In the Turnhalle, the temperature control is hinged to a central temperature control with heat extraction. A photovoltaic system of 700 kWp is installed in the Flachdächern, exceeding the energy in the Hollabrunn power plant.

The library is ready to be used. | Photo: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

These companies were engaged in Bau für die Kinder beteiligt

HOLLABRUN. Construction coordination lagged behind the Baudirektor of the Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn, Stephan Smutny, and war with the largest project of the Bauamts. Especially due to war that involved regional Betriebe.

Know-how from the region
Graf Holztechnik from Hoorn founded the Holzriegelwände, the Dachbouw, Fertigdachelemente, Decken- and Wandelemente which cause an attack in Lärchen-Fassadenschalung.

Kaufmann Werbetechnik from Hollabrunn follows all the descriptions that I and my house find. The Amstettner company Fuchsberger builds the Fliesen in the factory. The Brabenetz company from Wullersdorf has all the Abbrucharbeiten des voorherigen Gebäudes and the Errichtung a Vollwärmeschutzes.
Responsible for the combined electronic Schließ and Zutrittssystem is the Klosterneuburger Firma Tevio. If the standard is displayed in a digital manner, it is set by default.
The Hollabrunner Firma TK11 Gebäudetechnik plans and supervises the Errichtung und Umsetzung aller gebäude- und sicherheitstechnischen Einrichtungen, de Wasser-, Heiz- und Kühlanlagen, de Lüftungsanlagen, de Gebäudeelektrik und Geothermie Anlage. At a distance of 8,000 meters under the campus in winter, the hot water pumps of the air supply heat up – while the heat in the herbs heats up the most and the hot water pumps heat up – the Anlage Arbeitet for the coming years when it comes to saving of costs and saving heat.

The Marktplatz is the central meeting point with clusters. | Photo: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

Regional Unternehmen brought ihr Know-How to an end

HOLLABRUN. 40 substructures were built with 58,000 square meters of large pieces of construction, which were built with 9,200 square meters. In the Mitgewirkt region are: Architekten Maurer & Partner (Generalplaner, Bauaufsicht), Gebäudetechnik Waltner (Elektrotechnik), Leyrer & Graf (Baumeister), ARGE Redl Elektroanlagen & SAR Anlagenbau (Elektro), ARGE Geothermie Weinviertel (SBG, Seifried – Heiztechnik), Schinnerl Metallbau (PF-Aufsatzkonstruktion), Tischlerei Eser (Handläufe), Studio Eis (Vorhänge), Bürotechnik Streif (Bürotechnik), Busta (EDV), Maler Christian Tutsch (Holzbeschichtung), Lang & Menhofer (Außenanlagen), Blumen Bradac (Bepflanzung) . Keine Guarantee on full warranty.

Clean, bright and spacious classrooms in the Allgemeinen Sonderschule. | Photo: Stadtgemeinde Hollabrunn

It could be interesting

Neue Schule is a Jahrhundertprojekt

Spatenstich Schulcampus Hollabrunn – this is the end (with video)